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What's the worst place you have been on holiday abroad

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The 'yoof' bit of Benidorm. The old part of the town was lovely but the tourist area was unbelievably disgusting. Me and the then g/f were travelling round Europe and had scheduled to stop for a while there coz she had family nearby. After three days of hell it was time to move on.

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Paris. Historic/romantic paradise? No; graffiti ridden, dog **** polluted (yes I did step in some less than 2 minutes after leaving Eurostar - I'm not bitter, honest!), beggar infested hell hole full of anglophobes. The food and wine doesn't make up for the fact that Paris is more of a ****hole than London (which isn't how it's presented).

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Bali. The island is a complete dump and Kuta (sp) is the really nasty bits of Spain for Australians. Don't ever ever go to Bali!


I loved Bali, I nearly cried on the day we had to leave. It wasn't a dump at all but maybe because we only went to the touristy places. The people were lovely. I thought of some of the places in India I have been, thats what I would call a dump.


I don't think I have ever had a bad holiday. A lot of people have mentioned weather, I've been to places all over the world and obviously the weather wasn't always how we would expect but it never mattered. I've never been on just a beach holiday either (not my thing).

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Lloret de Mar back in 1973. Was awful then, god knows what it must be like now.
Oh yes, forgot about that place, what a s***hole like Torremelinos. Don't hear about those places nowadays, perhaps they have been flattened like the hotels I mentioned above in Almerimar which I looked up on Google and found a film of them being blown up
when only been there about 20 years if that, thus proving my complaints were justified.
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We went to Alberfuria in Portugal in May, my god its a madhouse :rant: our hotel room was opposite 4 open bars Playing "garage" music untill 4am, not just music, there was whistles, screaming, bells ringing, swearing very loudly, our room was shaking with the noise, the night staff wouldnt move us untill the morning, so i went and slept in the hotel foyer jamas and all, the cheeky b...er put the light out for us.


There's an area called the "strip" god awful place, and there was nothing to do in the daytime, and we and another 8 families paid £45 to move to another room


Dont really think it was for 2 60 yr olds do you? i did ask when booking the holiday "its not full of lager louts is it" and was told "well there's lots of bars but its not rowdy" :mad::loopy:


We have been to Alberfuria many times it is a beautiful place , it never ceases to amaze me why people don’t do a bit of homework before they go.


Two 60 year olds ending up next to a bar “Playing "garage" music untill 4am”, there are two areas in Alberfuria, the strip:gag: and the old town:love:, you ended up in the wrong part.

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I was offered a holiday in Afghanistan... if I had taken it then that might have qualified as the worst place to holiday :suspect:


Don’t worry you would have been given a free upgrade and shipped off to the luxury Guantanamo Bay resort paid for by the CIA :)

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  • 4 years later...

Though it wasn't that bad, I guess mine would have to be Huelva in Malaga. I thoroughly enjoyed the city itself, and the climate was also great, but the hotel we were in was an absolute craphole. Plus a friend's wallet was stolen in a bar which caused a lot of trouble since his passport and flight ticket were in there. Luckily car hire in Malaga via sixt worked well so that was a bit of a relief after all the troubles we went through. All in all, we were just very unlucky I guess, but Malaga will always be associated with trouble in my mind...


In terms of the really worst and most unappealing city, I have to name Hleb in Czech Republic. We had to stay there for one night and absolutely hated it. The city has virtually nothing to offer but dirt, whores and drug dealers...

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Yugoslavia (at the time), near Zadar. I've seen open air markets with less flies and other insects on the meat counters in remote corners of the Middle East...and let's not talk about the 'luxury accomodation', which I think Boorman must have used for shooting some scenes from Deliverance :gag:


So bad, we spent just 2 days/1 night, then improvised with a trans-adriatic ferry to Italy, eventually ending up in Rimini.


Next up would be a beachside suburb of Athens, in the 1980s. Not 'bad' as such, but the constant threat of nearby forest fires engulfing the appartment complex (whereby we lived out of 'permanently-made' cases and were forever 'checking our 6' at the beach) pretty much ruined most of the holiday. Canadairs were filling up every day about 500 yards from the shore, directly in front of us!

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