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Any good photo opportunities with sports?

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I'm a photojournalism student, new to the city, and am looking for some interesting sports to photograph here. Does anyone have any recommendations or belong to a club/gym/group that wouldn't mind being photographed as they exercise?

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yeah, jiu jitsu sounds ace. don't mind doing a group pic at all, and if i get any good snaps I'm quite happy to give you guys a copy of them on cd. when and where do you guys meet? do you have a website?

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We meet 3 times a week, Sat 10 - 12:30 (Not this sat though), Thu 6:30 - 8 and Wed 8 - 10.

The first two sessions (ie Sat/Thu) are at the Goodwin sports centre, the Wed session is at the movement studio (on the Hallam campus near to the pub Aunt Sallys).


I'm off on holiday, so get in contact in a few weeks, and we'll sort out a time for you to come over if you like.


The club website can be found here.

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