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Saturday Sunday league football in the 1970's

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I played football with Brian at Hallam FC for a while. I was a kid and Brian looked after me ok. A good lad and not a bad player


Are you related to John Rodgers of Gleadless sheffield? I played with John as both schoolboy and adult fine player and great bloke.

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hi nice of you to post a thread on this ray, my name is dave bunting [bunnie] and played when bruno was manager of sheffield aurora and olive grove,and yes i did no john rodgers but unsure if its the same bloke,i used to work with him at c w fletchers,nice blokes brian and john

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  • 4 months later...

Hi all,


came across this thread by accident and i know a couple of the lads whose names are being banded about like Mick Hughs and Terry West they are good mates with my dad who played a bit in the 70's he played for EA and i think he was quite a handy forward and so was my uncle! George and Bill Robinson(twins)

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Went to my cousin's husbands funeral a few weeks ago(Terry Wheatley).There must have been 400/500 people there.I know he was a well known self employed asphelter so I can understand there being loads of his old work-mates present but was baffled as to how many people were there.Then our Mary tells me later that he was one of the founder members of the Arbourthorne E.A.I shocked because although a couple of his sons played football,I had no idea Terry had been involved with the E.A. So obviously the football fraterity had turned out.Just shows the commeraderie there is in footy.BRILLIANT.

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  • 8 years later...
On 17/07/2008 at 06:41, JayRx1 said:

HI I am interested in any tales from your days playing in the sat and sunday football leagues...


Did anyone out there ever play football with a man called

Brian Thackery AKA 'BRUNO'

He used to play Sat, Sun League football in the late 60's and the 1970's

He played for a few teams i.e. Ball Albion, Arthur Lees, Sheffield Club and he eventually went on to manage some of them.


I believe he had a bit of a reputation on the pitch .....

I would appreciate any information as I am contributing towards a book and Bruno's name was put forward, apparently you can't write a book on Sheffield Sat, Sun League without him in it..

Around the age of 20 my mate started work in the office at Walter Spencer steel works would have been around 1970 he asked me and a couple of mates to make up a works team with him. We would meet at Norfolk Bridge at l.30 some of the lads had steel toe boots from working from 6 am under the big hammers. One Saturday we had to play a Sheffield United squad team run at Oaks Fold by Arthur Swallow in the league cup against all odds in front of a decent crowd we  won the quarter final what a turn up. On to the semi against Southey Green Social at Handsworth neutral ground we turned up in old Morris minors Southey Social brought two to three coach loads of supporters what a game yes against all the odds we won. On to the Niagra Easter Monday massive crowd Wednesday were playing that afternoon match referee George Mc.Cabe international ref .The night before as young men 

we had consumed much beer as it was Easter. So we had no chance in the final. Forgot the league but believe it was Hatchard. This could be the biggest turn up in junior football proud of those lads some no longer with us 

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Brian AKA "Bruno" Thackery,that name rings a bell before he was into football was he an amateur boxer?.If its the same bloke I came across him at Hillsborough Boys Club where I used to train every week as a 14 year old!.If its him he was a real tough nut who after I watched him going at it with the guy who trained us I gave him a wide berth,I was too young to die!.He was built like an outside toilet and this is why I remember him giving the trainer a real work out because he was no shrinking violet himself!.In later years I heard he was playing in goal for some team whilst I was running the Roland Arms in the Sunday Imperial league,so I wonder is it the same bloke?.

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