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Bill ' Fatty ' Foulkes - Sheffield United

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I am currently in contact with a distant relative of the Foulkes family researching family history. I am informed that the grandson of the Sheffield United goalkeeper is alive and living in Sheffield and may have or have had some connection with Bookmaking ( betting )

Anyone help me please with knowledge of this gentleman who is also called Billy.

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Hi runningman. I hope you can find this relative.


William Henry "Billy" Foulke (12 April 1874-1st May 1916) was a real gentleman, according to the stories I heard related about him.


After he retired from football, prior to his (too-early - aged just 42) death, he would give work, food and shelter to pretty much anyone who came to his smalholding seeking help.


I have heard many legends conected to this goalkeeper. I'll relate two, here...


One was that, during a game, as he was 'keeping, by his net, at the "away" end, he was hit by missiles (coins etc) from the opposing fans. he was so incensed, he waded into the crowd, and "laid-out" the culprits. heeh Summary Justice! :D


Another is that, after a match had gone poorly, due to bad "reff-ing".


Whilst having the post-match bath, his annoyance boiled over.


He was so angry, he left the bath, and invaded the "hallowed ground" of the referee's dressing room.


The referee was bathing at the time, and was so alarmed to see this massive chap bearing down upon him, he ran off, out of the dressing room area, and onto the pitch.


One can only imagine the sight of this naked, six-foot-five (or there abouts) 19/ 21 stone (depending on whose report you believe!) chap, chasing the referee around the pitch! :hihi:


Foulke is buried in Burngreave Cemetery. My "ex-ex-" and I were supposed to be visiting the grave, but we didn't manage to get there.

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Hi Plain Talker and thanks for your reply


I do in fact have some knowledge of the man, having read the book ' Colossus ' by

Graham Phythian. Being a life time Blade and having an interest in the history of the club has of course brought me into literary contact with such a great character. I wasn't aware until reading the book that he was buried in Sheffield and went to see his grave in Burngreave as a consequence.


Fingers crossed that I eventually find his grandson.

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There was a grandson who played local football to a high standard in the 1980's. He kept goal for Sheffield Club. I don't recall his full name but his surname was certainly Foulkes. Anyone who was involved in local football at that time may be able to help you as the guy was quite well known.

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There was a grandson who played local football to a high standard in the 1980's. He kept goal for Sheffield Club. I don't recall his full name but his surname was certainly Foulkes. Anyone who was involved in local football at that time may be able to help you as the guy was quite well known.


But the Blades' keeper, contrary to the title, was named Foulke.

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Good evening Yerman, Chairboy and mrteabag


Yerman - Thanks for the info re the goalie who played for Sheffield Club


Chairboy - bang right on that, its a common error, that is people referring to his name incorrectly. I have done it myself in this thread, apologies !


mrteabag - Thanks for your comment. When I was a kid an old neighbour you used to tell me tales of when he watched the great man when he was a youngster.

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There is some footage of him playing in a match.


It is a part of the Mitchell and Kenyon archive and was shown as part of the extracts relevant to Sheffield.


The showing was at the Sheffield uni redbrick site (Think its called Firth Hall) but the uni bods should be able to advise where the footage is available for reproduction or viewing.

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