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Why Do Men Want Bigger Muscles?

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I spent over fifteen years lifting barbells and dumbells and squatting and bench pressing and what have you, all in the name of bigger muscles.


I didnt do too badly and even now, years later I still have a bit of the muscle that I built left, (under a layer of blubber) but even at the height of my gym-going experience, I didnt build the kind of physique that wins contests because I didnt have that hunger, I didnt have the genetics to build 20 inch biceps for example, and I refused to go on steroids.


I had mates though who injected themselves with anabolics, trained seven days a week, starved themselves until they looked dead, had muscles that looked like Volkswagen beetles under their skin, yet they STILL werent satisfied with their bodys!


What is it about muscles that make men train themselves literally to death? Someone once asked 100 bodybuilders if they could have the perfect physique for six months then die, would they accept...? 90 of the hundred said yes...

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Because we are always being told 'well-defined' is the way to go.

Muscles are good apparently.


The extremes are just that, extremes. In the same way some ladies will succumb to anorexia because of an extreme response to (apparently) being told 'thin is good'.

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Im sure that under my reams of blubber I still have a lot of muscle left over from the training years, I can feel my abs under my gut and my bis and triceps are still defined even though theres a layer on them.


Once you get past a certain age though the urge to lift weights buggers off so I think `Sod it.`


My buddy is just getting interested in it all though and asked me for advice a few days ago and... I must say that Im tempted to get the weights out again... one day...

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As a skinny short-arse I can confidently say I've never had such a wish. Perhaps it's because I'm so short that if I got wide enough to be muscley (sp?) I'd basically be round.


I knew a skinny short arse once, he used to run a lot, his passion was jogging and for three years he decided to try building a bit of muscle...


In two years he was HUGE! The little bas-- devil put more muscle on in a year than I did in the 15 years that I trained and.. he got rid of the lot.. went back to jogging... What a waste.

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My fella is OBSESSED with the Gym, he goes monday to friday, (and only not at the weekends because im there and I dont let him), and hes NEVER happy with his body. Past three weeks have been a nightmare, were going on holiday on sunday and he wants his "beach bod" back, so hes been training even harder than usual. I think the reason he gets so obsessed is because his training partner is a bodybuilder, the owners of the gym he goes to are body builders and so are most of the people around him whilst he trains.


He wants his "beach bod" back so desperately he has even been on the sunbed three times a week for the last three weeks, to get a "base tan" so he doesn't look like a Brit on holiday..Makes no sense to me, Ill be going fat, pale and most likely sunburnt by the first day and ill still be happy!

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