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Why Do Men Want Bigger Muscles?

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I got to the point that training became an addiction to me. I went 6 days a week and if I missed I day I ot paranoid that all my hard work would be undone.


I haven't trained like that in years now, but every now and then I feel the hunger come back.... usually when world strongest man is on the telly!

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Why would you want muscles Jabber you all ready have whelks, are you trying to make a seafood platter.:hihi::hihi:


Whelks are an excellent source of protein. I used to eat tons of them when I was a gym rat, the Castle market used to quake when I wandered in and started scoffing from those little pink plates they used to have there.


Theyre also a natural source of anabolic steroid, like fertillized hens eggs are.



god knows why I felt the need to mention that...


I can bring whelks into any subject!



Especially sex...


Oh my GOD, yes! :D

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