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Speed Dating - Ongoing Events

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Originally posted by Yodameister

I can't think of anything worse in terms of meeting the opposite sex than having a limited time to "make an impression", I much prefer just casual conversations.


But I guess you would get to meet a lot of people you wouldn't otherwise.


I prefer dancing for that though, cos at least you don't have to worry about what to say next if you are all conversationed out....


Haha no, I just have to worry about how bad my dancing is and how many feet I traead on.

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Originally posted by buggslife

Bit harsh Yodameister!


Did you have a bad experience at this speed dating then? Sounds like a potentially great idea if you take it at face value.


ez fella


No, I just can't talk on demand.....


Not trying to put anyone else off, its just not for me.

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  • 1 month later...

Hi, I was hoping someone might be able to help me? I'm a journalism student writing a feature about speeddating in Sheffield and I was wondering if anyone on here had been and enjoyed/hated it? Found true love or could just tell me more about it?


Cheers, Ju

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my mate was thinking of going to one but said it sounds a bit scary...which i tend to agree with.


i think there is one going on tonight in sheffield, i remember seeing a post somewhere about it.

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Originally posted by evildrneil

I've been a couple of times and found it great fun - didn't find love, lust or anything similar though :o


is it like 30 seconds with each person and a tick chart?? well thats what i saw on eastenders lol.


imagine a uncomfortable silence and its only 30 seconds!! hellish!

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