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Dress code on a night out


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iv had many problems like this around sheffield city centre "nightlife". me and my OH planned to go out for a freinds birthday so we both dressed appropiatly. we qued to get in a bar only to be told "those shoes arnt acceptable" (which were black smart shoes btw) and when i politely asked why he replied "they look too much like rockport" which are asssoicated to football hooligans. i then asked the bouncer what shoes are acceptable he replied "trainers " . my OH had planned to wear trainers but i suggested not to as i had been in bar before which refuse trainers. after another 10 minutes of debating at the door the bouncer finally desided to let us in , when we did eventually get in the bar i found it rather amusing that there was a particular male who was dressed in a stone island jumper and wearing the dreaded ROCKPORTS.



Must have been a 'Mate' of the Bouncer's so he was "Alright"


Things like this are just typical of exactly what and why I can't stand about going out in Sheffield. The whole hypocritical/inconsistent nature of these "Rules" and if you do somehow manage to get in there's usually idiots in there anyway who have managed to 'sneak through' the "Fullproof" Security System.


So basically non-troublemakers will have to suffer and have their nights out spoilt because of previous actions of others they have no afflilation with other than maybe occasionally wearing the same brand of clothing?


Why simply changing an Item of Clothing makes a person more/less likely to cause trouble I have no Idea and if you try and argue your case you'll then be seen as a trouble maker anyway.


Makes me wonder how these places manage stay open the way the Alienate people so often?

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On several occasions in the last few months i have been out for a quiet drink with my girlfriend and friends, only to decide we'd head to a late bar / club.


However, on arrival at said establishments, we have been refused entry as the men are not wearing 'shoes'.


Every time we have been dressed - at the risk of sounding arrogant, both smart and stylish (i.e. not in t shirts / what i hear people refer to as chav labels), yet because a pair of slip-ons / couture sneakers / clean converse are being worn, we are deemed inappropriately attired.


This may sound like a generalised statement but seems that the only prerequisite is a pair of shoes. I see so many people out at the weekend looking 'scruffy', yet because they have on a pair of shoes, entry to bars / clubs is granted.


I respect that for many, shoes complement an outfit and differentiate between causal and smart. But when are bar / club owners going to realise that smart night our clothing for men is not limited to jeans, shoes and a shirt?


Which bar was it? Personally, I've never had any bother in terms of being aloud into any bar in town because of what I'm wearing. Occasionally not let in because of the amount of beer I've drunk, but thats common place at most town centre bars.

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I'm not sure why Sheffield as a city is being blamed for all this - I've lived in Manchester on and off as much as I have Sheffield, still go out boozing there fairly regularly, and consistently find the problem with dress codes, nonsensical rules and boneheaded door staff to be infinitely worse than it is here in Sheff....

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so according to you, all people who wear ball caps are trailer trash?! Are you an imbecile? When i was in new york, not one club/bar turned us away for wearing jeans/caps/bandana's or trainers. As long as we were spending money and not causing any trouble, we were made very welcome - something pubs in england should adhere to. I've long since known that certain pubs in sheff have delusions of granduer, so you can shove the Dove and Rainbow up your arse. We've also been turned away from certain pubs - including witherspoons chain - for wearing uniforms. Again, in the states, people are proud to have forces personel in their establishments. Our money spends elsewhere now, in places that accept that a man wearing trainers/hat/jeans, is not an instant trouble maker. Before any smart arse wants to try and tell me about 'ooh the cameras need to see a persons face' - load of ********. I've trained people in security & serveillance & a hat is a positive identity target. Plus - when have you ever seen anyone fighting still managing to keep their hat on? (let alone shirt)

all these dress code rules are simply some prat who owns a bar wanting to be a snobby ****. I've part-owned a bar myself & we never had any trouble in two years. People dressed how they wanted. So again - shove the Dove up your arse. R.marines


lol massive fail

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I'm not sure why Sheffield as a city is being blamed for all this - I've lived in Manchester on and off as much as I have Sheffield, still go out boozing there fairly regularly, and consistently find the problem with dress codes, nonsensical rules and boneheaded door staff to be infinitely worse than it is here in Sheff....




I've been out in both places too and yes of course certain places in Manchester will be as bad just like in a lot of cities round the U.K but have had less hassle on the many occasions going out there than in a lot of places in Sheffield even on infrequent occasions of going out there nowadays.

The places that would give you hassle in Manchester ain't worth going to anyway.


Sheffield Bouncers play on the fact of the lack of places to go outside the West St/Division St area so they know people are more likely to 'play ball' with stupid rules, and anyone who dares to question them can easily be dismissed because they will only have the same problem elsewhere in a similiar place so the venue isn't really going to be losing custom to rival bars.

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Never had any problem getting in to any bar/club in Sheffield because of how I was dressed be it jeans, trainers, shoes, trousers, shirt, t-shirt. It's just an excuse for them to deny entry to big groups of lads, ugly people or big guys they are a bit worried they won't manage to throw out. Some friends have been refused because of trainers when I am wearing them too. Pointing this out to door staff is normally met with a response of "no they're different trainers".

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It will never change.

About thirty years ago I took my then girlfriend in to town for drink, we were refused entry into the Mucky Duck. When I said I was wearing proper shoes and the doorman had no reason to refuse me entry he said " yes, but she is wearing trainers".

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