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Men calling each other "love"

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Back in the 50s and 60s Sheffield men used to address each other as "love" it was just an expression, nothing more, and meant nothing other, but it was a source of extreme surprise and amusement to outsiders (non Sheffielders that is) and I'm sure it caused some problems when Sheffield "blokes" went elswhere. Who remembers that?

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One thing I remember about the custom was, after a few pints, there might be a difference of opinion or a falling out over a girl (never me, of course ;) ) and the word took on a sharper and less friendly edge, which often presaged a feight!


As girls we became pretty adapt at judging the stage at which 'love' was becoming an insult, and interjecting the time honoured words ... "Leave it, (insert name here] he's not worth it!" ... and dragging the offended warrior from the scene!


lol, what larks! :D

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One thing I remember about the custom was, after a few pints, there might be a difference of opinion or a falling out over a girl (never me, of course ;) ) and the word took on a sharper and less friendly edge, which often presaged a feight!


As girls we became pretty adapt at judging the stage at which 'love' was becoming an insult, and interjecting the time honoured words ... "Leave it, (insert name here] he's not worth it!" ... and dragging the offended warrior from the scene!


lol, what larks! :D


Ah, the good old days :)

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Back in the 50s and 60s Sheffield men used to address each other as "love" it was just an expression, nothing more, and meant nothing other, but it was a source of extreme surprise and amusement to outsiders (non Sheffielders that is) and I'm sure it caused some problems when Sheffield "blokes" went elswhere. Who remembers that?

I still get it. Being reasonably young it disturbs me slightly

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