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Men calling each other "love"

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I remember in the 70s when my Liverpuddlian Uncle used our buses for the first time and he was addressed as luv.


Let's just say my aunt had to drag him off the bus before he took a swipe at the poor bloke. To say he was surprised is an understatement!


But, it wasn't long after moving here before he was using the term 'luv' himself.

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I remember in the 70s when my Liverpuddlian Uncle used our buses for the first time and he was addressed as luv. Let's just say my aunt had to drag him off the bus before he took a swipe at the poor bloke. To say he was surprised is an understatement! But, it wasn't long after moving here before he was using the term 'luv' himself.

So random violence towards bus drivers isn't a new phenonemon. after all! Idiots were still idiots even in the 70s! :D

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I remember it well, me old luv, but that was in the days before homosexual "issues" were being constantly rammed down your throat.


Quiet right, we dare not admit that we have had a 'gay day', and in business the word 'partner' is often confused with homosexual issues. If anyone makes comment that isn't totally PC then they are being homophobic. If that Harriet Harperson woman had her way she would make it compulsary.:loopy:


And before the PC brigade start whinging, no I am not homophobic, neither do I think that it is anyones business what Max Mosley does behind closed doors, I'm all for a good whip round. ;)

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Being brought up in Barnsley I can agree that '****' is a term of endearment to everyone, not just men. In my teens I sometimes went across to the local with my dad and I found it quite heart warming that the tough old miners drinking in there called each other 'luv.'

I use the expression all the time, and don't mind people saying it to me.

I called the bus driver 'darlin' this morning- it just came out!

There's nothing wrong with a bit of friendliness, spread it around I say!

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  • 5 months later...

I agree with your sentiment Rich. I remember being at the bar in the Enfield on Broughton Lane in the days when we had a steel industry. A bloke built like a brick sh*thouse asked another guy at the bar, built equally as stoutly to, "Scuse me luv-let's get past yer." The first guy moved out of the way, politely, as any gentleman from this part of the world would. There was never any suggestion that either fellow meant anything else. I think that episode puts the use of 'luv' between males in this city into context. Its usage seems to be fading though, judging by some of the posts.

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