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Men calling each other "love"

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But is'nt it all about the way things evolve though, I moved out of Sheff 40 years ago and I'm "gerrin on a bit nar", the city I new as a lad does'nt exist any more, nor does the accent, it was well known among "foreigners" that Sheffield folk had a lingo all their own & we were ribbed about it constantly, but things change, some for the better, some for the worse, when we visit now I don't hear too much accent any more, perhaps we've all become more cosmopolitan (exept me, I'm still a DeeDar) but I've had to give up calling people "LUV" they don't seem to understand!

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Right on.! I'm tiurned 80 annd use it every day to bus drivers and i supermarket and then iimediately embarrsed in case ive offended anyone,but cant get out of the habit. Ill try to be more careful in future. JOHN G]


theres no reason to be embarassed, if there offended its their problem.

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I work in a shop and talk to people all the time,i call the women sweetheart,love ,darling,and to the men i say owt else me owd,or duck,or love,and i have never had one complaint.But i do remember working on the isle of wight and called a lady love and she was really offended and said i am not your love and don't ever call me that again, i tried to explain that is how we talk up in Sheffield ,but i never did it again as i did not want to upset anyone.

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