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Winn gardens 70's-80's

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I lived on winn gardens from 72-83 & altho thesedays it may have a bad reputation i loved it back then, i cant recall much crime but i can recall a fantastic place to grow up,there was so much to do ,evry part of the estate had its own little community [i dont like using the term gang]rem bonfirenight ?mass football matches, tarzen swing on the river,my old pals Fleety,Sam,Steve Naylor,Marshy,Martin Wharton,Lee Yeardly, Bells,& some of the lads from the top Zuts,Fowler,Yanny, anyone rem this era?

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My brother used to live on there and I used to visit often in the mid 70s. Winn Grove? Is that the name of the part they lived at?


It was a long time ago but I remember liking the area, the river, the golf place and the railway track...


We used to climb the wall of the hospital at nights and mess around in there too, my nephew, his mates and me.

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yeh we used to play in the mental hospital grounds,i wudnt dream of lettin my kids play in a place like that but things were so happy go lucky back then & like i said i cant recall much crime in those days,how things change eh!

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I lived on winn grove from 1980-1985 and loved my time on there. I remember alot of the names that have been mentioned. We used to hang around in the hospital grounds too until the police man came and took all our names down. It was a safe place to live at that time and all us kids used to play together and never ran out of things to do.

I wouldn't go back now though, i dont think i'd feel safe although its only by the stuff ive heard.


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I lived on there as a kid too - from about '76 to '80 I think. We lived right at the bottom of the hill. It was quite posh then - I remember our neighbours were a quite well to do middle aged couple and they actually had a satellite dish!!! Unheard of at the time! By the time we left the estate had already started its decline though!

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