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What's so wrong with Daily Mail readers?

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Read any tabloid comic you want to. Just don't believe a word. The Daily Mail is no better than The News of The World, it just pretends to be more upmarket!


Its less salacious, and it does reflect the views of many in the UK. We buy it on a Saturday - we like the format of the TV mag. Reading it doesn't mean we take everything as gospel, but I've found good articles in it. I ignore some stuff in any paper I read.


I also buy the Grauniad on a Wednesday and often read it on a Saturday when I go to the library, and if I have a Sunday paper, it could be the Mail, the Observer or even the Times - dependent on my mood.


The term 'Daily Mail Reader' is used by some as an insult, often I think by those who haven't read it for years...

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The term 'Daily Mail Reader' is used by some as an insult, often I think by those who haven't read it for years...


I'm not so sure about that! A hell of a lot of people read it purely because they find it objectionable! There are even websites devoted to the 'reporting' of the Mail and Express. ;)


One of the best ways of finding out what the most extreme followers of a particular newspaper are like is to read the 'comments' on their webpages. This is where you find the real "letters in green ink".


Look at The Sun and the comments are about a sentence long. Look at The Grauniad ones and people try to out-do each other in pedantry; some comments are so long they are like essays and about as exciting. Look at the Mail ones and there are some hilarious comments which show a lot of readers don't even read the articles they have commented on, they just sound off seemingly at random!


As an example, there were some on a item about a family of 13 kids the other day frothing like rabid dogs about claiming benefits - even though the article states completely the opposite! :huh:


If I'm short of a laugh, I can guarantee I'll find one amongst the Mail's web comments. However, if I want to feel deeply patronised I go to The Guardian's comments. ;)

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i bought the daily mail last sunday (was going to buy mcfly album but daily mail was only 1.50!)


erm...same load of rubbish as every other paper but with an extra mag and some financial twaddle!

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Regardless of the "sanitised" state of the UK's Media at the moment, the internet bloggers are "having a Ball".


It's surprising to find out how much information is being censored from our eyes.


One of my favourite "blogs" is




Have you tried The Devil's Kitchen and Mr Eugenides? Both are sweary bloggers and the Devil is always annoyed about something. He's a libertarian and is quite partial to using the "C" word.



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Just because a blog coincides with your own opinion doesn't make it any truer than what's in the papers. People start blogs for exactly the same reason as journalists write sensationalist stories; they want to tell their readers what to think.


Don't the Governments do just that? :)


As for bloggers .... all power to their elbows for searching out the real "hidden" information. :thumbsup:


I've got a list of 23 Blogs, representing every shade of mainstream political opinion, so what's wrong with that?


Some of the blogs I read are set up by newspaper journalists under the auspices of the actual newspaper.


A few remain my favourites for my daily attention/reading.


The comments/reactions received from the "Blog readers" ... for or against the particular blog subject also often challenge the views of the blogger, Basil.

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The Mirror is barely a comic, and the Grauniad is really quite centrist; certainly when juxtaposed with the Heil.
It's a matter of perspective. I see the Guardian as blatantly left, hardly surprising seeing as I sit on the right hand edge of Conservativism, and lefties see the middle-road tabloids as extensions of Mein Kampf.


It's all relative.

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The Mail regularly displays it's hateful and bigoted nature, playing on peoples' fears and feeding into their paranoia ie: turning them into good little conservatives.


Frustratingly, for Mail readers, it's no longer respectable to be an "I'm alright Jack", xenophobic, right-wing, blinkered, scapegoating sad-sack of unpleasantness and I believe this is what puts them on the defensive, realising they need to pretend to be more tolerant and also thay they are becoming obsolete.


It's like the tabloid equivalent of the fascists recruiting youth on the football terraces seducing them by offering membership some gang, only the Mail dresses itself up as a cosy little read, full of diets and health and fashion features and mail-order offers and cover-mounted CDs which are supposed to distract you from the vile politics therein.


Very true. The Mail espouses traditional English views and values which were entirely the norm among our grandparents' generation, and still should and would be today were it not for the cancers of socialism and political correctness that erode our society.

I suppose we're to believe that nothing has improved since this era you look so fondly upon! I wouldn't trust anyone who could describe socialism as 'a cancer'. Perhaps their cure for society's inequalities would be to shoot the peasants. :rolleyes:


I think you'd be hard pressed to read, see or hear anything that is free of bias. :)

Although, if you were attempting to, the Daily Ma*l would be a dreadful place to start.


..same load of rubbish as every other paper but with an extra mag and some financial twaddle!

The thing is that this "same load of rubbish" in every paper isn't the same and if you read them properly it's not really hard to tell.


The media will tell you what has happened (well some of it) but it will rarely tell you with any honesty why it has happened. It's people who can read but not process the information that are at the mercy of rags like the Mail.

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