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What's so wrong with Daily Mail readers?

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Originally Posted by Dashpot

Very true. The Mail espouses traditional English views and values which were entirely the norm among our grandparents' generation, and still should and would be today were it not for the cancers of socialism and political correctness that erode our society.

I suppose we're to believe that nothing has improved since this era you look so fondly upon! I wouldn't trust anyone who could describe socialism as 'a cancer'.
And, if we're being frank with each other, I despair for the intellect of anybody who fails to see this.

Perhaps their cure for society's inequalities would be to shoot the peasants. :rolleyes:
Only the lazy, benefit-dependant ones, the career criminals, and a few other groups which leech on society or lower social standards.
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Compare and contrast:


Max Mosley opened the back door to new privacy laws yesterday with a High Court judgment that championed his right to hold a spanking and bondage orgy with five prostitutes.....





A huge revolt against wheelie-bin spy bugs is sweeping Britain, with thousands of defiant households removing the electronic devices and either dumping them or posting them back to their local town hall.



So on the one hand the paper is opposed to the privacy laws meant to protect people from having their sex lives spied upon, but on the other hand thinks we should be standing up for our privacy over the contents of our waste bins :hihi:


Are Daily Mail readers really so thick that they can't see the blatant inconsistency in the paper's viewpoint?

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  • 3 years later...
Can anyone please enlighten me as to what seems to be the problem with reading the Daily Mail newspaper


I have noticed in a few threads that some people are constantly poking fun at them


I very rarely buy newspapers but I have to admit that today I bought the Mail on Sunday, but in my defence I only did so to get the free McFly cd that came with it


Now having flicked through it before leaving it at Starbucks it seems to be a perfectly normal newspaper, nothing out of the ordinary and nothing of interest just like any other paper


So could anyone please enlighten me as to why they are mimmicked





It's a right of centre paper, this is a left of centre forum.

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Just came to make this thread. Would like some 2011 opinions...


Well it wont be long before a certain poster is on saying


Daily Fail :loopy:


I'd love to know which paper this person reads if it isn't the Beano or Dandy.


I don't buy many papers these days. I prefer to do my reading online and most of that reading is nothing to do with the daily rags.

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Yeah I'm the same. I haven't bought a paper for a very long time. The only paper I have read of late is The Metro, and of course that's simply because it's free and something to read when on public transport.


Do you see?





I quite like the Metro though. I would buy it over the Sun any day

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