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The Myth of Spring Heeled Jack.

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This article is written by simon a member of project-reveal.


Please can you add any good facts to this article?

Like more stories of PHJ, or were you can find more carvings of this figure. ect..


Interesting fact. another term for "Jack" is Knave (as in playing cards). If you put Knave into a thesaurus, it will come out with "Rascal, Blackguard, Scoundrel, Scamp, Cheat, Devil, Crook, Rapscallion, Wretch, Villain".


I just thought it was interesting to share. And i like the word Rapscallion.

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I remember reading a detailed article about Spring Heeled Jack "haunting" Attercliffe and Darnall areas on a site called Mysterymag. There was lots of interesting stuff on there, but I've just searched for it and it looks not to be running any more. Where is Mysterymag? It's a mystery....

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I remember reading a detailed article about Spring Heeled Jack "haunting" Attercliffe and Darnall areas on a site called Mysterymag. There was lots of interesting stuff on there, but I've just searched for it and it looks not to be running any more. Where is Mysterymag? It's a mystery....


Spring heeled jacks nicked it!

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Anyone heard of 'Naked Norris' ? I was told about him in the 1950's. He was supposed to have been seen jumping over rooftops into Burngreave cemetery one time and crowds are said to have gone to watch for him. There should be some record of this 'spectre' somewhere as I heard the story more than once. Another childhood fear was the well known 'Bogey Man' and the lesser known legend of the 'Wendy-ghost' which I think was a corruption of a similar sounding name for a mythical creature in Canadian folk-lore. According to the neighbour who loved scaring us with such tales ,it flitted through tree-tops glowing in flames and crying " Oh, my feet, my burning feet !" No such tales today; could we start one ? " The Bloated Banker " seen disappearing with sacks of cash into a (working) Bessemer Converter !

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  • 11 months later...

I have personally seen Spring Heeled Jack on 2 separate occasions in the same location at hackenthorpe sheffield in a little wooded area not far from city school he is about 7 foot tall bright red eyes and can run and jump without making a sound, he is real and I wasn't the only one to see him, he chased us out of the woods, all we saw was a tall figure with red eyes and a ghostly white outline to a black figure running towards us through the trees then he jumped the stream with ease to where we was then we ran like mad. This is all true!

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