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Gordon Ramsay in Sheffield

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Emailed them about what? The fact that you found it overrated and overpriced? On the latter, perhaps you could check the prices on the menu before you go in. Regarding the former - Silversmiths is overrated by whom exactly? People who like it? Well you must admit they're entitled to their own opinion.

Or perhaps you emailed them to complain that they were giving you too much attention, personally I'd prefer that to being ignored all night.

I really don't understand your beef with the place based on what you posted. However I'm open to being enlightened....


Only 2 posts by `rachel`. It seems to be a malicious individual posting with an ulterior motive imo. Probs a competitor.

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That’s so sad eman grooving, are you genuine or do you work for Silversmiths or perhaps a family/friend? Responding to my post within 10 minutes of posting…that must be a record and you can’t be genuine, are you like an online marshall that is always watching to censor free speech or any posting that is true? And responding to my post with so much vitriol and sarcasm, well if you are genuine I feel really sorry for you, if you work for the restaurant or are associated with them or was associated with Runaway Girl, it shows the type of characters they are associated with.:suspect:


To enlighten you..i said we went there on a girl’s night out and what started as a good night was ruined. The food was average, but the service was bordering on harassment, we didn’t want any more drinks but felt pressured to order by the staff coming up and constantly advising (‘telling’) us what drinks we must try. I only wish Gordon Ramsey had told the Silversmiths people a little about customer service. We only went out for a girlie night out to enjoy ourselves, not to be harassed and encouraged (‘forced’) to buy things we didn’t want.:mad:


Why should I not email them? Sounds like you are an attention seeker who has a history of being ignored, ever tried calling The Samaritans, they may be able to help you.:help:

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this is a busy forum so someone replying to your post within 10 mins is a bit slow,

can you explain how you were forced to buy something?

also it looks a bit suspect that you have only just joined and find a thread 2 months old to slag off a business on your first post

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Who is Jay69? Why are people so rude? I think this is disgusting. Are you associated with Silversmiths or Runaway Girl in some way?


To Dongle, I explained in my previous post what happened. As to my posting record, as I explained, I only posted because I got no response and everyone has a right to know when you have a bad experience in a restaurant. I think people should respect other people and their opinions, if this was not an online forum, I think people like Jay69 would be arrested and Jay69 should be reported to the police.

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I'm sorry that the discussion has become this excited (or in the words of Michael Winner: 'calm down, dear'). For the record I don't work for Silversmiths or in the catering industry generally. I know of Justin but don't personally know the man. However me and Gordon Ramsey are old mates (that was a joke). Look at the long history of my postings and you'll get the gist. I was simply pointing out the logical inconsistencies of your - dare I say - rash initial post. I wouldn't want people in Sheffield to be put off dining at a perfectly acceptable restaurant because of another (and these are all too frequent) ill-thought out posting.


My beef? I like to support Sheffield's independent establishments.

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