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Gordon Ramsay in Sheffield

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No, I am NOT recommending the Walnut Club or any other restaurant or bar, I am telling you of my experience at Silversmiths. It was the manager who was one of the people who was also forcing us to buy drinks.:mad:


He never asked if you were recommending it, he asked if you worked there.

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I am telling you of my experience at Silversmiths. It was the manager who was one of the people who was also forcing us to buy drinks.

I'm sure someone criticised Silversmiths a while ago, saying the complete opposite - they waited too long to be offered drinks. Maybe they are trying to overcompensate to respond to previous criticism?

When we went, I found the level of service to be absolutely spot on :)


I am just curious as to what could be construed as "Forcing us to buy drinks"??


I'm not trying to be argumentative, just curious - whenever we are having a meal, either we have plenty of wine on the table and so there is no need to ask us if we want more drinks, or the wine is getting empty, in which case we would want to be asked if we want any more...Were you sitting there with empty glasses?

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Who is Jay69? Why are people so rude? I think this is disgusting. Are you associated with Silversmiths or Runaway Girl in some way?


To Dongle, I explained in my previous post what happened. As to my posting record, as I explained, I only posted because I got no response and everyone has a right to know when you have a bad experience in a restaurant. I think people should respect other people and their opinions, if this was not an online forum, I think people like Jay69 would be arrested and Jay69 should be reported to the police.


Ha ha jay69 would be me ! two words love starts in a F and ends in a F ps grow up

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I did actually read the same posting from RW on another local restaurant review site Viewsheffield.co.uk and thought the £15 special would be worth a try - so went last night.


Good food, only asked if we wanted another drink when we had finished a bottle of wine and pleasant and not intrusive waitressing. A reasonable number of people in there for a credit crunch Thursday night.


Nice choice on starters, mains and desserts. Overall a great night out and the wine selection produced a fantastic Chilean red.


I might even send them an email to tell them how good it was.

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Hi, all the above is fascinating reading, sounds like independent eateries need all the support they can get at the moment Can anyone give me an address for Silversmiths please.


I've always said there's no such thing as bad publicity -




I can recommend booking for Tuesdays pie night, epic quality food without having yer pants pulled down over the price.


and in reply to Tfran - Do email them if you have any form of feedback for 'em, as they do read them and take on board any advice / opinions you may have. Also, point 'em in the direction of this thread, as they should see that there are quite a few peeps that are also impressed with their food and service.


The last time they looked on here, I think they got the impression that there are alot of opinionated and over-exaggerated views and that they tend to out-number the neutral and postive posts.


All too often, it's the screams of a few that can be heard, over the majority

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Having been there on a girl’s night out we are so disappointed and upset. We found the food ok but overrated and overpriced and didn’t like the service, my girlfriends felt pressured to order more drinks and the staff kept coming back asking us if we wanted more drinks so it was uncomfortable. We won’t be going back. Emailed them about this and no response to both my emails, so that is why I am posting.:mad:



I think you are either exaggerating or being over sensitive, or like someone else said, a disgruntled competitor.


I went there after Gordon Ramsay had been there, but before the program was aired and the pie night introduced.


The food was amazing (and I'm a self confession food snob), and the service impeccable; and well worth the money. Several friends have made repeat visits too.


And even if you were given attention by the staff, isnt that better than being ignored? Better to have attentive staff.


With regard to your email that you havent had a response to; I would imagine they get a lot of emails off the back of the TV show, its run by a few workforce of people whose time isnt dedicated to responding to emails, especially ones that are negative.


Bottom line: I'd recommend Silversmiths to anyone.. I'd even take my Mum! ;)

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