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Which films do you watch over and over again?

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whenever i'm ill enough to warrant sitting on the sofa all day with a duvet i always watch fred and ginger movies; watched them a lot as a family when i was little so that's probably why.


amelie aswell cause its so sweet and romantic and we all need a bit of that sometimes. if i fancy some gunplay the bourne films or die hards 1 and 3 usually find their way into the player.

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Fistfull of Dollars trilogy

Dirty Harry films except Dead Pool, which despite Jim Carey being killed and a cameo apperance from Guns & Roses, was poo


And on a non Clint theme I like these funnys

Monty Python's Holy Grail

Parole officer


Interstingly some above suggestions I had to force myself not to swith off & never want to see again ie

Angelas Ashes

Withnail & I

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  • 4 weeks later...

There are far too many to mention so I'll just go through the most usual discs in my machine.

First, I have something of a christmas ritual. I like to watch Scrooge with Alastair Sim on Christmas Eve. Alastair's portrayal of Scrooge is absolutely spot on and I love the transition from grumbling old miser to clown meister.

Second, I occasionally have a Lord of The Rings weekend. I watch all three fims on consecutive nights. I am also re-reading the novel for the fourth time. Heavy going, but beautifully written.

Third, Every year, on May 25th, the date of it's original UK Cinema release, Star War IV A New Hope. A ground breaking film and a delight, especially for the nine year old kid who is still inside me.

Finally, I don't have it on DVD any more but when I had it on video, I would watch At the Earths Core with Peter Cushing and Doug McClure. It was an awful film then and still is, but when you're eight...

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By The Way, At The Earths Core, I would watch it so often, two or three times a day in fact, that the tape wore out. In retrospect, I am lucky that it wasn't the machine. My parents would have murdered me!

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