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Best Karaoke in Sheffield.

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Ok I admit it. It's an illness I know. CKD.


Compulsive Karaoke Disorder wrecks lives. It broke up my first marriage, and caused me to pack in my high - flying job.


Before I knew it I was travelling the world, belting out House of the Rising Sun in places as diverse as Tenerife, Prague, Cape Town, Pnom Penh. and LuangPrabang in Laos.


You're good people, I know. Now I find myself in Sheffield, can anyone give me any idea of the best place to feed my addiction...?

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The places I know of..


Sundays at the Black Bull in Ecclesfield, Thursdays at the Old Crown on London Road (I think, you'd need to check they still have it on), Rising Sun on Fulwood Road has it periodically


I believe Chas Chas in town also have Karaoke, need to check with DJ_Shadowman on that count, he's the DJ there :)

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Sportsman here in Stannington started Karaoke on Saturday nights from 8 PM recently... I don't go myself, Sportsman's full of chavs lately so I stay away.

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Yep Deejay, Cha Cha's has karaoke on from Thursday to Saturday from 7 pm onwards.......


On Thursday nights, if you sing twice you get a free beer and on Saturday night from 8pm most drinks are just £1.


And for those of you that dont know, we have a Gary Numan tribute band playing on Tuesday night from 8pm.......free admission as well (slightly off topic I know, but you cant blame me for trying !)

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  • 3 weeks later...

I was unfortunate enough to be in Cha Chas last night - the Indian buffet upstairs was great but the bar downstairs was quite possibly the worst bar I've ever been in - it's like a working mens club function room - the only difference is it's been decorated recently.


Bedhead will back me up on this, lol :)

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