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Grub that makes you trump.

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Biscuits make me and my brother trump!! They have done since we were little and I always remember my mum only allowing us about 2 or 3 at a time!

We've both flown the nest now but biscuits still have an effect on us!! I'm gutted cos I love biscuits so have to plan when to eat them ;-)

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Biscuits make me and my brother trump!! They have done since we were little and I always remember my mum only allowing us about 2 or 3 at a time!

We've both flown the nest now but biscuits still have an effect on us!! I'm gutted cos I love biscuits so have to plan when to eat them ;-)


Would they have been air biscuits?

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Would they have been air biscuits?


I think you're getting mixed up with arse biscuits, which are winnets.




EDIT - I spologise! I have just found Air Biscuits in Roger's Profanisaurus! This is a term I have missed so you can bet I'll be using this new vocabulary at every opportunity this week ;)

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Dont forget the mint sauce....:hihi:


:hihi: Before i became vegetarian


used to have every night 2 piece chicken and chips leg & thigh pieces


Salad on top with mind sauce chilli sauce and tomato sauce mixed up on top


Now that i can tell you makes a stink when it comes out :hihi:


All washed down with a healthy Can of Coke

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:hihi: Before i became vegetarian


used to have every night 2 piece chicken and chips leg & thigh pieces


Salad on top with mind sauce chilli sauce and tomato sauce mixed up on top


Now that i can tell you makes a stink when it comes out :hihi:


All washed down with a healthy Can of Coke


I am surprised there was not an explosion with that combination.

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My god we could probably power sheffield off the farts generated by SF members. Collecting them though, that's not a job for the faint hearted.



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