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The process of getting a book from your head to published


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I realise i'm picking a bit of a large subject for just one thread...but heres my thoughts...


I have an idea....(i have lots) and for once it has gone past the dreaming phase and i'm putting it into action....it is for a book...lets say its kind of like a how to...or dummies book...i've done some research and found no similar type or style of book...so thats a big plus..


anyways my questions are as follows


- is there any kind of copyright protection you can get for a book?? seems difficult to copyright a style or such.

- where and how is best to get say 5/10 sample professionally looking copies of your book done...(eg glossy paper, maybe a bit of extra design etc)

- following on from above, how can you protect your idea/book from being stolen.


this is all new to me so forgive the lack of depth in the questions..im sure I will have a lot more...but while i 'flesh out' my idea I thought it was best to think how i can move it forward as i'm reasonably confident it would be a popular seller given the right attention.


thanks in advance :)

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You're right, it is a bit of a large subject!


I'm not an authority on the subject, so some others on the forum will be able to give you more specific advice, but:


It looks like you're talking about a non-fiction book where you explain something to the reader - a 'how to', as you said.


I think many people who go down this route look for a publisher who either already publishes 'how to' books (like the '...for dummies') and may be interested in your subject fitting into the range, or a publisher known for publishing other books in the same subject area as yours.


It's then a case of preparing a very detailed description of your project and pitching it to them, starting with an introductory letter covering the general nature of your book, and giving the publisher some idea of why you would be the best person to write it (eg: you're an authority on the subject, have x number of years' experience etc.)


My opinion is that you would be better looking for a publisher who will commission you to produce the book, rather than you going through all the work and expense of writing the book, designing its layout and having a few sample copies made. I don't think publishers are interested in you providing them with a 'mock up' of your book - they are better placed to bring you in touch with their own designers, artists & typographers who will turn your work into something of marketable standard.


And as for copyright, you don't strictly have to do anything. Whatever original material you write is your copyright as soon as you've written it. You may want to take steps to prove you wrote it first, and that may sometimes involve measures such as posting a copy of your material to yourself by registered post and leaving it unopened.


I hope this is some help, and hope also that others on SFWG will be able to add to it!

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That's pretty much it. For non-fiction write a proposal, a few chapters, and an outline and submit it in standard format (A4 paper, Times New Roman 12pt, double-line spacing etc) to agents who deal in your chosen subject; for fiction it's pretty much the same only you finish the whole book before submitting.


Don't send layouts, sample books, or anything like that: they're not necessary.


Good agents and publishers won't steal your idea: they get too many submissions to bother with that. No need to copyright it in any way as copyright already exists as soon as you write your work.


Have a look at my blog (in my signature line) for all sorts of articles and links to other websites which explain all this in more detail.


I hope that's a help.

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That's pretty much it. For non-fiction write a proposal, a few chapters, and an outline and submit it in standard format (A4 paper, Times New Roman 12pt, double-line spacing etc) to agents who deal in your chosen subject; for fiction it's pretty much the same only you finish the whole book before submitting.


Don't send layouts, sample books, or anything like that: they're not necessary.


Good agents and publishers won't steal your idea: they get too many submissions to bother with that. No need to copyright it in any way as copyright already exists as soon as you write your work.


Have a look at my blog (in my signature line) for all sorts of articles and links to other websites which explain all this in more detail.


I hope that's a help.


cheers guys, will do and will research a bit more...suprised they dont want to see an ideal of the finished thing...so your basically saying i could dumb it down to just text and word documents!


oh and you need to amend you link in your signature..you have an extra http in it :)

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so your basically saying i could dumb it down to just text and word documents!


oh and you need to amend you link in your signature..you have an extra http in it :)


I wouldn't say "dumb it down" exactly...! Yes, if you're writing a book then all a publisher will want from you is the text, printed out properly (although some will take electronic queries). They have designers to do the rest.


Remember that you should NEVER PAY to have your book published: if anyone asks for a reading fee, or suggests you pay them to edit, typeset, print or anything else, run away.



And thanks for the note about my signature: I've amended it, so it should work now. I hope my blog is of some use.

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I wouldn't say "dumb it down" exactly...! Yes, if you're writing a book then all a publisher will want from you is the text, printed out properly (although some will take electronic queries). They have designers to do the rest.


Remember that you should NEVER PAY to have your book published: if anyone asks for a reading fee, or suggests you pay them to edit, typeset, print or anything else, run away.



And thanks for the note about my signature: I've amended it, so it should work now. I hope my blog is of some use.


Thanks, i'm a pretty fast touch typer have done proof reading and even a bit of desktop publishing before so I kinda let the idea run away with me doing it all....is there any examples online of sample submission letters or such?


My book idea has the potential to be a series of books...which I think is the quite unique...so I want to pitch it well.....and if i dont get any feedback or interest i'd consider other avenues as i have my head screwed on and i'm positive the idea is a good one. (im not like the bad singers on pop idol deluding themselves haha)

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