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The Quarter, previously Sola.


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what's this all about - thought thursday was quarter pounder ? Free entry, cheap drink student nite.. and naked ladies in jelly,, why wud gay guys think think was gud ? and isnt this freshers week ? have they gone mad ?

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So since we are about to have our population swelled by the returning 70k students we thought it about time to implement a few nights we have been discussing! Firstly is TFI Thursday launching on September the 18th in time for all those students coming back to Sheffield


This is a weekly alternating theme night between Lions Lair and the Crown. The first party being at Lions and being an Army theme! Check the group for more details. Also there is the bar crawl quiz every Sunday, starting at the Crown about 8 and moving over to Lions around 9.30, remember this is a league based quiz over 6 weeks with the winners receiving a night for 4 in a Manchester hotel with train travel!


Now for those of you that have been going to the Quarter on Thursdays you should be reminded that the 18th is their Female jelly wrestling night for those interested I have posted a link to their group ;) So if you rather don your combat gear than watch straight girls wrestle you know what to do!


Their text to me was.....Its a gay bar at weekends but we are putting on different events throughout the week. Female jelly wrestling is a gents night for straight people. We have tickets spare. Thank you.

Not that this in its self is a bad idea, but we think it would be far better if it was gay men and lesbians! So we are touting the possibility of blatantly stealing a good straight idea and improving it! If you are a Custard and Jelly wrestler wanna be then let me know! We already have Graham Brown volunteering for Heavyweight and Joe Middleton for Middleweight, now we would let Kim wrestle but are worried she may hurt someone so if you are brave enough let us know as we are planning the event for Friday 26th September, shower included after!


Also we seem to have become the place for afterparties! After every Climax, Tease and Speedqueen you can usually find DJ John Dixon spinning till 6am, also in the pipeline is John and a few friends running a slightly more underground hardcore night for those that dont want any chart or dancealong rubbish!


Lions lair is ALWAYS Gay friendly and always has the best drink deals in Sheffield, our double vodka mixer is cheaper than W'spoons!


Looking forward to a great few freshers weeks and welcoming back the 'old' lol students.


Lions Lair.

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