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Trojan Dyfica Download Virus

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After having loads of problems last week re. this w32 virus I have been running a daily virus scan. I have AVG. My ISP said this virus was caused last week by someone hacking into their system infecting all their users, however, I did a full system scan which removed 2 virus's and also installed a removal tool which my ISP told me to do. Well, when I came to do a check this morning I got a warning box containing ' Trojan Dyfica downloader found - please run AVG. I did run AVG but still got this box afterwards. Is AVG not removing it? Did the thing that my ISP told me to remove the virus not work? Have I got another virus and if so what should be done? I hope someone can help, It scares the hell outta me! Lovies ~ Angel.

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Some information about this virus can be found here:




"It is not actually a virus, although we have published this description due to public concern and interest."


If a user chooses to read the license conditions of downloading and installing the software, they may notice that one of these conditions is to allow the company to send e-mail to all the contacts in the user's Outlook address book and/or send instant messages to all the user's instant messaging contacts. The paragraph in questions reads as follows:


"* In consideration for the Service, you grant Avenue Media the right to gather information pertaining to your use of the machine, the Internet, and various other software packages you may have installed. Examples of information collected may include but is not limited to keywords searched for, links and ads clicked, and the length of your visit(s) to web sites and pages. With respect to information gathered by the SOFTWARE PRODUCT as part of the Service, Avenue Media may use such information for its business purposes, including, but not limited to product support and development. Avenue Media will not unreasonably utilize such information in a form that personally identifies you to 3rd parties. In consideration for viewing of video content, Avenue Media may send email to your Microsoft® Outlook® contacts and/or send instant messages to your IM contacts offering the video to them on your behalf. By viewing the video content, you expressly consent to said activity."


The cheek of it!!! :o

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Many thanks for that info, But how do I get rid? I don't really download anything though I do have kazaa and winamp but In generally don't click on the 'security warning'. I want to boot it off my pc, how do I go about doing this dastardly deed? Many thanks, Angel.

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That's what I was talking about. Since it's not techincally a virus (it's an ActiveX control) so I thought it might be in there...


If it's not in there, I'm not sure how to remove an ActiveX control. However, to prevent you getting it again, you might like to check your security settings under Internet Options to ensure you have "Download signed ActiveX controls" and "Download unsigned ActiveX controls" both set to "Prompt" or "Disable".


Sorry I can't be of more use.

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As Tony's quote suggested, this isn't a virus it's more like Adware.


Try downloading Ad-Aware from Download.com, this has got rid of similar scams from my machine, if it doesn't work I'd suggest contacting AVG or check their website and see if they have an update you can download.

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