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Pond Street / Midland Station Photo

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Originally posted by little malc

It is such a good photo I am sure the bus museum at Tinsley would be interested in seeing it if you get the chance to contact them.


If they have an email address. I,ll mail them a copy. Needs a bit of a clean up in photoshop first though.

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Originally posted by Plain Talker

Thanks for sharing this brilliant photo with us, lostrider.


Can you remember where the pic was taken from? Was it the staircase beside the garage on Pond/Flat street, which ran up to Arundel Gate via the Fiesta and Steelys? (it's either there, or from the polytechnic building... it is not as far over as the bridge which lef to the escalators, i am sure)





I think it was from the balcony that went around the Fiesta, used to go canoodling up there with my girlfriend:P

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Originally posted by Ousetunes

Also, if you look at the block of flats, on the seventh floor of the block to the right, there's a young lad bopping away with platform shoes and kipper tie on.


Infact, if you can listen carefully, you'll see that he's bopping to the Rubettes' Sugar Baby Love, a number one hit in May 1974.


So there.


thats owd lad.........his star jumper gave him away

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superb photo,hard to Imagine that it was took on an old camera they dont make camera's like that nowadays.Looking at that photo brings back some memories how it as changed down in pond street can anybody remember that street finder the one where you pushed a button and the small light bulb lit up to show you the street you was looking for. If my memory serves me correctly didnt there use to be about 2 or 3 cafes in pond street bus station I can remember that you had to go down to the toilets in the bus station I can also remember the old newspaper shop that stood just outside the bus station the one with the oddly shaped roof,also looking at the photo I would think that Sheffield united tours booking office would have been there and the old Y.E.B. offices where you paid your electric bill I might be wrong but I can remember it being there.I wish I had been into photography then I would have got some good shots of old sheffield all I was bothered about then was the railways and forty years down the line I am still into the railways mind you I am now into buses as well I wonder if I will be in another forty years time I never thought I would be into the railways all this time.

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Originally posted by bigkev

Looking at that photo brings back some memories how it as changed down in pond street can anybody remember that street finder the one where you pushed a button and the small light bulb lit up to show you the street you was looking for.


I tried to start a thread about this very thing some time ago:


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The cafe on "C" platform was called The Four Seasons, very popular with all us bus drivers, the one on "A" platform was a small stand-up cafe for tea and toast etc, yes, the toilets were down a flight of steps on "C" platform next to the inspectors office. Also, in the late 60s and early 70s, a converted single deck bus, the "tea wagon" had a set route each day, stopping at Fitzallan Square and some of the outer terminus points, so that drivers and conductors could get a cuppa, and a dripping cake, yummy!!

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