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How much is your electricity bill per month?

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I moved into a small flat with my bf in March.

We have just recieved notification that our electricity supplier is N Power and they will be sending our first bill soon.


Anyone any idea how much electricity bills tend to be per month?


Thank you very much

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my bf just text me saying the bill has arrived at home and its £350 for the first quarter!!!

We dont have gas just electric but this sounds crazy!!!

Its a brand new build and hardly anyone lives there, we dont have a meter in ourflat so i guess there is a main one somewhere.

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£135 per month, combined gas and electric.


But I've secured this for three years, hopefully avoiding the usual £1,000 underpayment I seem to end up with each anniversary.


(Larger than average 3 bed semi; family of four.)

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So perhaps this £350 for a quarter is not too bad then? (how many month in a quarter bill? Sorry to sounds thick!)


It sounds a lot to me!


Does the fast that we only have gas not electric mean that it would be more?

I cant think of anyway we could get this bill down?


Its a small one bed flat,w e have one PC we put on for an hour max each night. We turn off everything at the wall, dont leave lights on etc.


:( first flat from moving out with rents, big bills are a shocker! x

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