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Red tape in Sheffield night scene

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:help:Okay I have to speak from personnal experiance Sheffield used to have a vibrant and diverse club scene ten years ago crasher, arches , niche' area 51

fez club bed , etc the club scene was then taken over by large companies mainly brewery owned and the magic formula was watered down inthier ultimate goal to achieve higher revenue, however a lot of people who had the chance to steer the Sheff cluibbing scene in a different direction, Promotors

pub owners, club owners etc chose to do nothing or went down the commercial route or sat on the sidelines and whinged had nervous breakdowns made bad decisions or did absolutely nothing while waiting for some bolt of lighting to hit them hard between the eyes whilst they dissed the world for the state of thier club scene (still happening today) or they let the authorities run roughshod all over them, got intimidated by a backward thinking police force, allowed council officials personnal predijices run away with them, or allow thier interpritation of the law to go unchallenged.

We only have ourselves to blame for the state of our clubbing scene,

So when a new venue opens/re-opens make sure you get stuck in keep the idiots out and look after it and yourselves otherwise we will be aving the same discussion inten years. We have such a fantastic and diverse underground scene, @ Shhhh we will give you a home but please please help us to help you get your venue open asap respect Carl and Tracey:help:

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To my knowledge in three years and running over 60 events we only had to cancel three events and then we had to close for 6 months anyway once we open it will be every weekend till next april when we have to close down for further re-furbishment for a month but this is all in the planning for long term opening all seven arches by next year

will keep everyone posted on the forum, tell the truth I am dead bored of concrete bunkers with drapes up aka plug, nylon, DQ and all the rest of club bars in sheffield, Although I would love Nylons system if its up for sale

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To my knowledge in three years and running over 60 events we only had to cancel three events and then we had to close for 6 months anyway once we open it will be every weekend till next april when we have to close down for further re-furbishment for a month but this is all in the planning for long term opening all seven arches by next year

will keep everyone posted on the forum, tell the truth I am dead bored of concrete bunkers with drapes up aka plug, nylon, DQ and all the rest of club bars in sheffield, Although I would love Nylons system if its up for sale


Good luck with the venue relaunch - its got lots of character - keep out the idiots and get some good nights on & you'll do well (though I'm sure you can do it without slagging off other clubs - a bit of professionalism please!)

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To my knowledge in three years and running over 60 events we only had to cancel three events and then we had to close for 6 months anyway once we open it will be every weekend till next april when we have to close down for further re-furbishment for a month but this is all in the planning for long term opening all seven arches by next year

will keep everyone posted on the forum, tell the truth I am dead bored of concrete bunkers with drapes up aka plug, nylon, DQ and all the rest of club bars in sheffield, Although I would love Nylons system if its up for sale


Really? It felt like dubcentral and feedback got cancelled quite a few times? Anyway, doesn't matter, I'll be dead pleased when it opens again!!

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I will desist from slagging other clubs off sorry its just got to me being closed and when you know some of those venue owners/managers were part of the reason we got closed down thenits just a horrible Bitch/fest anyway working our butts of for opening night 26/9/08 and it looks like that Lectro Luv, Shoot The Freak, Dub Central and Kaboom will be our satarday nights each month with the occasional Bassy Friday nights will be thrown in. PLease note that Tickets will only be available from the Hen and Chickens 3 Castle Green 0114 275 6644 in advance or on the night all Club Shush ( Note new spelling will be ticket only events except Dub Central last saturday of each month, So anyone wanting to get ticket has to go to the Hen and Chix before 12 Oclock midnight

on the night of the event, where we will be hosting a pre-bar with DJs playing sets for the named night this is to prevent idiots coming down at 4 in the morning and causing problems no ticket no entry plus it lets you come and join us in our funked up bar near the venue. Shush bar next door to club shush will be fully open 7 days a week by mid November, with Acoustic nights and DJs playing 7 nights a week in our intimate venue

Hope this is enough info I am crushing grapes and other things with excitment

Loads Of Luv from Image matters and all at Shush

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To my knowledge in three years and running over 60 events we only had to cancel three events and then we had to close for 6 months anyway once we open it will be every weekend till next april when we have to close down for further re-furbishment for a month but this is all in the planning for long term opening all seven arches by next year

will keep everyone posted on the forum, tell the truth I am dead bored of concrete bunkers with drapes up aka plug, nylon, DQ and all the rest of club bars in sheffield, Although I would love Nylons system if its up for sale



good luck its good u see you back carl / tracy

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