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Men wearing tights

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I knew a few plumbers that used to wear tights in winter .. basically to keep them warmer when working in cold conditions (I should imagine plumbers get wet too and wet and winter makes a person feel colder)


Apparently builders do it too....

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Aren't we looking for examples of men who aren't camp though:confused:


The 1980s called, they want their clueless ranting back! :loopy:


Wrestling is NOT gay, I HIGHLY doubt you would call a 20 stone pro wrestler "camp" to his face...


Also, wrestling FANS are NOT gay, times have changed from when it was all sweaty men hugging each other, besides that's Sumo wrestling, the Japanese one. that's sweaty fat blokes in nappies hugging each other.

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The 1980s called, they want their clueless ranting back! :loopy:


Wrestling is NOT gay, I HIGHLY doubt you would call a 20 stone pro wrestler "camp" to his face...


Also, wrestling FANS are NOT gay, times have changed from when it was all sweaty men hugging each other, besides that's Sumo wrestling, the Japanese one. that's sweaty fat blokes in nappies hugging each other.


Who said gay? I said camp, there is a difference, ya know? And wrestling is as camp as Christmas:|


And I wouldnt call wrestling fans gay either. There are a number of adjectives that do suggest themselves, but gay aint one of 'em.*



Although, having said that, there is more than a bit of the homo-erotic about enjoying watching two steroid fuelled, mullet-sporting muscle men pound each other into the canvas (oo-er missus). Especially when you consider its fake.

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  • 9 years later...

Keyto to terminology :-


UK English - US English



Tights - Pantyhose


Pants - Under Pants


Trousers - Pants



I'm a heterosexual man and love wearing tights, I started wearing tights to keep warm in winter, when I was 21, (about 27 years ago) while working as a security guard, initially I only wore tights when at work but after a few months I started wearing tights everyday all through the winter, despite leaving the security job about 17 years ago I continued to wear tights every winter.



From the security job I moved on to working with horses after about a week,


I started to get sore patches at the tops of my legs when riding the horses, so having tried different types of pants to no avail and discounted going commando, as both unhygienic and risky, (ie. Your sat so high off the ground on a horse that should the fly zip on your riding trousers fail or just come down , putting it politely you will have enough on show to get arrested for public indecency)


I switched to wearing tights under my riding trousers instead of pants and socks, the sore patches quickly cleared up, so for the 10 years that I worked with horses I wore tights 7 days a week in winter and 5 days a week for the rest of the year



Last year the same problem as above started to happen when I was wearing fashion Jeans so I have decided to wear tights instead of pants and socks under my jeans/trousers all year round and have thrown out all my pants, the only time I wear socks now is over my tights when I'm wearing steel toe cap work boots.



I've found that wearing tights is a lot more comfortable, and feels much nicer than pants and socks ever did, I now wish I could have worn tights all the time from when I was a child.



Even if I found an alternative to wearing tights that wouldn't cause the sores on my legs I'd still stick to wearing tights instead of pants and socks, why should I go back to a less comfortable option that doesn't feel as nice to wear, just to satisfy somebody else's daft social protocol.



My infants school insisted that boys wear shorts all year round, I envied the little girls in my class, they had to wear tights in winter as part of their school uniform, and were all nice and warm wearing their tights, especially in the snow, by the time us boys had walked to school in the snow or on a frosty morning our legs were turning blue, I'd be wishing boys were a allowed to wear tights and that the school had made tights a compulsory part of the boys winter school uniform.



Why do people make such a fuss about boys and men wearing tights, girls and women can go out dressed entirely in boy’s/mens clothes without anyone commenting or making a fuss, all we want to do is wear tights, mostly for practical reasons but even if we just like wearing tights we shouldn't have to worry about justifying it to anybody else.



The reason the idea that only girls and women should wear tights exists at all, is a random marketing decision that was made a long time ago “to limit the marketing of tights, to being sold as a garment for girls and women only”, not a very good marketing decision given it cut the potential market for tights by 50%, the other manufacturers/suppliers followed their


example, but only in the UK, US and a few other mostly English speaking countries, in the rest of the world or at least the colder parts of the world, tights are marketed and worn as a unisex garment



The only problem that I have had with tights is that not only is the sizeing of the tights different from one manufacturer to the next, not all manufacturers/suppliers provide a size gide or if they do it gives the equivalent dress/skirt size , rather than mesurments, dress/skirt sizes are meaningless to me and probably most other men, I end up having to search for dress/skirts and try and work out how to find the sizeing information from that, unfortunately tights manufacturers don't tend to make dresses and skirts so your using measurements from a different garment and manufacturer, which isn't very reliable, especially since a lot of women complain about the measurements and fit for a given dress/skirt size being totally inconsistent from one manufacturer to the next and dress/skirts not being even vaguely similar to tights



I've noticed when reading reviews of tights online that a lot of women don't find it any easier to interpret the manufacturer's sizeing than I do, I also found out from reading the more detailed reviews, that how well the tights fit is not gender pacific apart from when the tights are too tight around the hips for a woman a man is unlikely to have the same problem, otherwise the same size pair of tights either fit a woman of the same height and waist size as me, for the same reasons they fit me, or don't fit a woman of the same height and waist size as me, for the same reasons they don't fit me.



Note l post reviews of the tights I buy online under my full name hopefully if you all do the same it will encourage manufacturers to create unisex size guides for their existing girls & womens tights ranges



It would be a lot easier if the manufacturer listed the waist and hips measurements against the length from gusset to waistband starting from the minimum waist and hips measurement and going up the standard waist sizes to the maximum waist and hips measurement (or just the maximum & minimum waist & hips measurement and the gusset to waistband measurement if the gusset to waistband measurement is the same for all waist and hips measurements) and the minimum & maximum leg length,width of leg and shoe size for each of the sizes of tights in their range , this would take a lot of the guesswork out of the buying tights since most people already know most of the above measurements and it's easy enough to measure yourself to find out the ones you don't know



Note creating easy to understand unisex size guides for their existing women's and girl's tights ranges would be a cheap, easy and low risk way for manufacturers/suppliers to expand their market to include men and buys and improve their existing marketing for women and girls tights

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