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The sheffield facts thread.


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Originally posted by kirky

well your forgiven then,if we ever meet up the shandy's on me pal:hihi: :hihi: :hihi:


Ta for that. Can you make a Kaliber shandy, with blackcurrant top, I think the genuine article might be a bit overpowering for me.


See you down the Queen Vic. Err... Rover's Return. Oh, whatever.

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PS. What do you expect? I'm a Southerner. [/b]


Another bloody southern Jessie, comes up to the real part of the world and after being a member of the forum since the 22nd of Feb thinks he has the right to slate everyone.


Go on sod off back down South if you don't like it. :rant: :rant: :rant:

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Originally posted by owdlad

Another bloody southern Jessie, comes up to the real part of the world and after being a member of the forum since the 22nd of Feb thinks he has the right to slate everyone.


Go on sod off back down South if you don't like it. :rant: :rant: :rant:


No, I love it up here. It's the Northern hospitality that I'm especially keen on :P


For the record, I didn't "slate everyone", I criticised a grammatical mistake made by one person; a mistake which I'm far more used to hearing down South but which I was shocked to realise has now made its way back up here, probably because people pay more attention to what they hear on TV than to their local dialect. I meant my criticism to be lighthearted, in view of the many other grammar-related rants I've seen on here, but it obviously didn't come across that way so I apologised.


I also mentioned that I'm a Southerner because I thought it'd make good trollbait. I didn't catch any trolls, but I did net me a prize chimp.


As for how long I've been on this forum, I don't really see how that's relevant. I've not broken any forum rules as far as I'm aware, and I have been running forums myself since you were a monkey in a nappy calling yourself "youngun", so please don't lecture me on netiquette.

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As for how long I've been on this forum, I don't really see how that's relevant. I've not broken any forum rules as far as I'm aware, and I have been running forums myself since you were a monkey in a nappy calling yourself "youngun", so please don't lecture me on netiquette. [/b]


Don't lecture you on netiquette! so it's alright for you to lecture others then say it was light hearted when challenged over it. if you dont like it tough tit pal, and if your so good at running your own forums how come you feel the need to come onto this one.

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