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Anyone Visited Spearmint Rhino Yet?


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Originally posted by Classic Rock

If anyone hears about SR coming up for sale, let me know. I've not been inside, but am still looking for a new venue to host a rock pub!:lol:


In the USA they would be very reluctant to allow a lap dancing club to be in the city centre. However 'Rock Gardens' do tend to rake in the cash stateside. Kids just want to have fun so to speak.


Lap dancing is not really something that makes a parish a whole lotta cash. In Seattle, San Diego and Las Vegas it might make politicians cash by way of one 'Strippergate' scandal or another but it makes usually costs the city a lot of big bucks.

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Originally posted by Guest

I have`nt been to the Rhino myself but I was talking to a couple of blokes the other night that had just come out of it. Apparently £30 to get in and beer /lager £5 a pint one said he had spent £350 the other nearly £500 because he had had a private session with one of the girls. Don`t know how true it all was but if we could get some funding from the council perhaps we could do a bit of research for the Sheffield Forum, I`m quite prepared to give up some of my free time. I`ll need some one to take notes. any volunteers???


I think Sheffield Council had their Spearmint Rhino session 'in secret' so to speak in order to make sure that nobody important turned up with testimony from the Metropolitan Police or who was an expert on the Spearmint Rhino phenomena.


I do feel the recent scandals about SR might have been sensibly predicted by any Municipal Council with two spare brain cells in their legal services department.


'RESOLVED: That the public and press be excluded from the meeting before further discussion takes place on the grounds that, in view of the nature of the business to be transacted if the public and press were present, there would be a disclosure to them of exempt information described in paragraphs 7 and 12 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972, as amended by the Local Government (Access to Information) Act 1985 relating to the financial or business affairs of other persons and legal matters and advice, respectively.'


So much for accountable politics. That is the *first* time I've ever encountered a 'secret' Spearmint Rhino Municipal session. The Sheffield politicians clearly thought they were going to get away with it and could do their thing absent public or media oversight. What did they have to hide?

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SR have been in court all week because of the shady goings on at london's tottenham court rd venue. i'll have to find a link to the story....




basically the chief exec of SR UK has sacked the uxbridge SR manager because the manager saw the exec engaging in a sex act inside a booth (where the private dances occur) of the club. the daily star had a fuller version of the story but its not available online.

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Originally posted by Geoff

Obviously you might not be happy to admit it, but I'm interested to know if anyone has been to the Spearmint Rhino lap dancing club? What is it like? Is it as sleazy as people have suggested?


If you haven't been yet - are you planning to? For all we know, the club might be empty every night?! But then I guess they did some research and found a market here?






Can't afford it on my income !!!

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my girly mates and i walked past SR the other night in the late eve and were approaced by a group of men who had just left the club and were very 'fired up'. it was quite scary as their crude gang banging suggestions were said with no humour or laughter and we were all intimidated. i am NEVER walking past there alone again, like i used to before it opened.

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Hi Tina,


I'm so sorry this happened to you :( It sounds awful, so intimidating and threatening.


It just proves to me why we shouldn't have lap dancing clubs! They encourage men to see us women as objects just there to satisfy them... Not good.


I hate it when we get hassled in the street at all.



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y'know the wierdiest thing was in my head i imagined a stereotypical situation happening; young girls in tarty clothes getting hassled by middle aged men.


the reality was me and my mates who are 25-35, in trousers, coats and flat shoes (still looking attractive but not in an 'available' or flirty kind of way) getting surrounded by normal guys 22-30 kind of age and they reallly BELIEVED we would take them up on their offer - they hovvered around us for our reply. normally we would answer in a comedy fashion but we we all went dead silent - even gobby me.


did THEY feel so empowered that some 'out of their reach' type women found them sexy? did they not realise its the dancers job to make the customer feel attractive?

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