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Originally posted by maxt

I'm inclined to disagree about the marriage bit. Surely, if adultery is morally wrong, then it can be committed by people outside of marriage but who have made a commitment to each other?



Technically no...if they were not married to start with, they would be committing fornication. Were they to cheat with another unmarried person, that would still be fornication. However, where they to cheat with another married person, then they'd be committing adultery.


Originally posted by maxt

Or does morality only exist within established religions?

Maybe, maybe not. Perhaps I may be confusing morals with values, which are independent of religion, although established religions do have a moral code of what is and isn't permissible.

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this marriage thing is again another clear example of that fact we live in a patriarchal society which is why spearmint rhino is wrong and why you lot out there think theres nothing wrong with it because 'thats life' - many people are socially conditioned to think the inequality between the sexes is nature and not nuture.

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Scientists believe that one of the reasons that men appear more prone to adultery is that we have been conditioned through evolution. The testes produce a huge amount of sperm in each ejaculation, yet only one needs to be successful for fertilisation. Thus, some hypothesise, we ejaculate that many because originally they would have been in competition with those deposited by other males.


Look to most mammalian species - the males tend to try and impregnate as many females as possible in order to ensure that their genetic material survives to the next generation.


And adultery can occur in any relationship where a commitment to monogamy has been made - end of.

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Originally posted by tinajones

when mentioing marriage i was refering to the widley known fact that many cultures permiss men ato have multiple wives and no the otherway round - which is either not as common or not celebrated as much.


You are quite correct, but there are reasons for this. In ancient times, men were more likely to get killed in battle, leaving widows and children. Allowing men to marry more than one wife gave the women a chance to continue a reasonable standard of living and not be forced into destitution upon her husbands death.


Furthermore, where one man marries several women, it will be known who the father and mother of the child is. But if the woman were to be polygamous, how would you know who the father is?


And isn't it a scientific fact that there are more women on earth than men? They live longer too. Who'd take care of them if men were only allowed a single wife?

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