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The Global Warming Megathread

Do you believe human inflicted climate change is real?  

113 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you believe human inflicted climate change is real?

    • Absolutely, unequivocally.
    • Maybe, i need more evidence
    • Not at all, it's all made up!
    • Whats global warming?

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Can I ask what the point of all this is- the Ozone layer is getting weaker and weaker by the year and you can see the result already with the polar situations.


As far as I am concerned, as long as we keep delaying the use of wind turbines/solar power and also wave power as well then I dont see the likelihood of people changing their ways and going greener.


I would love to help out - the problem I find is that I wont make a difference to the ozone layer - anything I do will be undone by the masses so I would be fighting a loosing battle from the start.

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Yes, the hole in the ozone layer is a problem, although of course, quite seperate from gloabl warming/ greenhouse effect.


Also, global warming IS happening. The data clearly shows it IS hotter than it was 100 years ago. The cause of the warming is the source of (any) controversy and the link to humans actions is strong but will NEVER be "proved".


The planet is made up of 6 billion individuals, every one of us should fight for what we believe is right even if we're the ONLY ones saying it: and the green bandwagon IS growing.

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"Its likely that..."


It was LIKELY that the Earth was flat.


The Earth warms up and cools down all the time. FACT. Earth has been getting warmer since the Ice Ages.


We've only been taking temprature measurements for about 100 years, how the hell do we know how much Earth will warm up and how fast?


I know cutting emmisions wont do any harm, it will even help with some health problems, i was just pointing out a fact that nobody can be sure what emissions do the the Temprature and Atmosphere..


No, we can't tell exactly what will happen, the world climate and factors affected by or in turn affecting it comprise a very complex system. However, as it is likely that our emissions are having a large effect wouldn't it be better to be safe rather than sorry?


Personally I believe anthropogenic emissions are the main driver for the current trend in warming on the short scale - no one can say this for certain, but it is likely. No one had tried to measure what shape the world was at the time, that was based on pure speculation. In scientific parlance, a term such as likely means that you've studied the evidence and have a good idea what the general trend is - in this case the evidence is not good enough to make definite conclusions (and frankly won't be until the events feared happen... although the hurricane season was a little vicious last time round, was it not?) but the fact is that the vast majority of climate scientists believe that our emissions are causing global warming. This is good enough to take action over, considering the potential consequences of taking no action.


To give an analagous situation, it's not proved that H5N1 or similar bird flu will pose a danger to humanity in the near future - but is that a good enough reason to take no steps to cope with it if it does? Personally, from a fair bit of research into each I'd say human-generated global warming is more likely to be happening than bird flu is to become dangerous. Of course, no one knows exactly what dangers global warming would produce either (unless you're unlucky enough to live in Tuvalu, an island nation with not much land left due to rising sea levels) - but it is possible that it could be very bad news for humans, and it's almost certainly not a good thing.

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anything I do will be undone by the masses so I would be fighting a loosing battle from the start.


It is that exactly sort of attitude that shows how apathetic mankind is becoming. Have you ever thought that if you do your bit Angelus it might inspire others to do the same or even attempt to better you?


The hole in the ozone layer is indeed getting smaller. That isn’t anything to do with global warming though really, its mainly due to the use of CFC's in air sprays and fridges etc. Now CFC's have been "banned" the ozone is well on the way to recovery. I'd still keep a hat on if you ever go to Australia though :)

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I believe that despite all the arguments about whether global warming is a fact, it is a fact that fossil fuels are a finite and precious resource, and the fight to get them out of the ground is getting nastier and more urgent. So taking steps to conserve energy and restrict our more profligate habits is a necessary step whichever way you look at it.


Of course one person's effort seems futile in the face of, say, China's growth or US policy, but I still don't want it on my conscience that I joined in the rape of the planet. We are facing a fuel crisis and we all have a duty to try and stave off what could be a very dark future. Saving energy does not mean living like a medieval monk. Basic steps can make a big difference, and if everyone made a bit of effort it would have a big impact without necessarily bankrupting the country.

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