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The Global Warming Megathread

Do you believe human inflicted climate change is real?  

113 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you believe human inflicted climate change is real?

    • Absolutely, unequivocally.
    • Maybe, i need more evidence
    • Not at all, it's all made up!
    • Whats global warming?

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Considering the "global warming" is most likely to affect us by disrupting the Gulf Stream and giving us temperatures of minus forty degrees in winter, I don't REALLY think you should be worrying about the summer effects.


yay! Propper Winter weather

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Yeah it will be GREAT! High levels of Carbon Dioxide in the air, vastly shorter life spans due to the pollution. High costs of fresh food, only the rich able to afford real vegetables. Fish basically non-existent.


Vast amounts of animal species gone. Everything costs more, the World in a global ressession.


The ladies may be wearing less, but I think the face masks you either use, or die an early death, will somewhat take away from the sexiness of it all.


Sounds awesome!

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Yeah it will be GREAT! High levels of Carbon Dioxide in the air, vastly shorter life spans due to the pollution. High costs of fresh food, only the rich able to afford real vegetables. Fish basically non-existent.


Vast amounts of animal species gone. Everything costs more, the World in a global ressession.


God, it's Sena the Soothsayer.


"Woe, woe and thrice woe"

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My god yourslef, as if he was being as serious as you get a life


I'm so sorry for actually commenting. It's something I studied and actually care about, therefore I do not see it as a laughing matter.


As for using the comment "get a life" - you really shouldn't say that to people you don't know. I'm very happy with my life thanks.

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Another angle


Do you find environmentalist's/eco warriors a pain in the backside?


I do.


I know one, and all he bangs on about is how he cycles everywhere (he only lives about 1.5 miles from his place of work) how cars are the making of the devil etc etc


Guess what, he's going to Manchester Airport next week for a Holiday to Iltaly, and get this......... he wants a lift (in my evil car) to the Airport.


I was tempted to ask him why he can't cycle there ?


And what about the aeroplane? not the most eco friendly form of transport I think

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eco-warriors are generally hypocrits as your example proves.


if the sea-level does rise, then they'll be more water for the fish to swim around in which has got to be a good thing for encouraging fish stocks and it will mean that Mablethorpe and SkegVegas will both disappear under the waves which is I think a win-win situation.


Donny-on-sea anyone?

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