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The Global Warming Megathread

Do you believe human inflicted climate change is real?  

113 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you believe human inflicted climate change is real?

    • Absolutely, unequivocally.
    • Maybe, i need more evidence
    • Not at all, it's all made up!
    • Whats global warming?

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I think the Sun is to blame for warming, for example on a cloudy day it tends to be cooler, when the suns out, it get warmer

I suspect that the scientists researching climate change might just already have noticed clouds and the sun and factored them into their models.


But just on the off chance that thousands of people far cleverer than you or I who dedicate their professional lives to studying the climate are totally unaware of the sun and clouds maybe you should contact them to give them the benefit of your wisdom :rolleyes:

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It's a though they think their previous good behaviour ought to somehow outweigh their bad :rolleyes:

I know what you mean, it's much better to be bad all the time. What's more you can feel really superior to people who aren't as bad as you too, which will give you as nice warm glow inside and possible contribute even more to climate change. A win win situation!

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So you're either sterile or you hate your kids! ;)


Or he doesn't feel the need to help overpopulate the world any more than it already is ?


Or he might be gay ?


Shouldn't the people with kids be doing the most to provide a pleasant future for their offspring, like walking to school instead of driving half a mile in a Range Rover tank ?

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It's worth pointing out that one possible outcome of global warming is that fresh water flooding into the North Atlantic from melting ice caps will disrupt the Gulf Stream current - in which case Sheffield will become very cold indeed.


Still, good news for the Ski Village :D

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Ahh yes it always helps to simplify complex issues :)


Solutions are easy and even if they do involve higher taxes (which they don't) would still be great value compared to the cost down the road. The earlier we tackle the problem the less costly it will be.


Here are some examples;



Not read past this post yet so this may have been said :rolleyes:


How about Everything produced has to be made from a recyclable or bio-degradable material ;)

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'Global warming' is a misnomer. Probably used mainly by the media under government direction to play down the seriousness of the problem.


'Global climate change' is the term used by scientist'. The weather systems of the planet are an interacting and complex set of variables. Yes, the mean temperature of the planet will increase, resulting in extremes of weather, intense heat in some places, intense cold in others. This coupled with a rise in sea levels that will reduce the land area of the planet drastically.


Look at the faces of your children/grandchildren before you joke about the situation.


'Between the iron gates of fate the seeds of time were sown, - and watered by the deeds of those who know and who are known. Kwowledge is - a deadly friend, when no-one sets the rules; The fate of all mankind I see, - is in

the hands of fools.'

(Robert Fripp, of 'King Crimson' 1971)

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