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The Global Warming Megathread

Do you believe human inflicted climate change is real?  

113 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you believe human inflicted climate change is real?

    • Absolutely, unequivocally.
    • Maybe, i need more evidence
    • Not at all, it's all made up!
    • Whats global warming?

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has everybody seen the story in the daily express the met office says this winter will be mild and wet:thumbsup:

And on tomorrows forecast is flooding in some parts due to hurricanes.


This is not good. The winters are not cold to kill of the bugs and the summers are not bright and sunny, the seasons are merging into one, which are warm, damp, overcast, and depressing. :(

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has everybody seen the story in the daily express the met office says this winter will be mild and wet:thumbsup:

The Express is obsessed with the weather and is is always splashing nonsense 'news' stories about the weather. Which are about as relevant as the horoscopes page. It's a cretinous scaremongoring rag.

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....This is not good. The winters are not cold to kill of the bugs and the summers are not bright and sunny, the seasons are merging into one, which are warm, damp, overcast, and depressing. :(
I have of recent years described our Summers as less cold and our Winters as less warm as the seasons have blurred into one another.
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There is always the temptation to bury heads in sand when a crisis looms - America is an avid believer in this strategy - in the 1940s they let the nazis trounce most of Europe in the hope that they wouldn't trouble America.

Britain had expected war back in the early thirties and if it wasn't for the Japanese attacking Pearl Harbour the world would doubtlessly be very different today.

America isn't interested in anything that doesn't have a profit in it.

America hasn't the will to tackle an expensive war on pollution especially when the outcome of the 'war' is uncertain.

It concerns me that the American, 'hide your head in the sand' technique is catching on over here.


Please let's keep our ability to forecast 'the likelihood of danger'.- an instinct instilled into us over millenia, when our survival in a hostile environment depended on this ability.


The instinct to run from danger was always a limited option for we brits, our small island weeded out all but the most resilient, ultimatley leading to a nation whos propensity for invention, exploration and civilisation was second to none.

Don't let fear lull us into ignoring what is clearly the single most dangerous threat the planet has ever faced.


"Confusion, - will be my epitaph, - as I crawl a cracked and broken path: -

If we make it - we can all sit back - and laugh .-

But I fear tomorrow we'll be crying.. Yes I fear - tomorrow we'll be crying.


Robert Fripp - of King Crimson. 1971.

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  • 1 month later...

This topics back in the news again. One problem with this forum is that after a few days threads tend to get lost, so someone starts a new one on the same topic and an interesting argument is sidelined.

Despite todays Stern report I stick by my opinion that global warming is good for Sheffield, certainly at the moment. I've not read the report yet but there was a mention on the Today programme this morning of a paragragh that said there were some beneficial aspects for temperate zones.

To be cynical about it, governments are always looking for something to tax, and if they think there are Brownie points in this they're in there feet first.

So far all we've had today is talk about upping tax on fuel and energy. These things are inelastic, they don't cut down usage, merely increase the cost of living.

If they were really worried that it was a serious issue they'd be commissioning a new generation of nuclear power stations immediately.

They'd also stop the lunacy of setaside whereby farmland is deliberately left fallow, and insist food is produced as close to the consumer as possible.

Not to mention the crazy policy of closing the British coal industry and then importing coal because it's cheaper, and then saying electricity's being used too much so we'll put a climate change levy on it to make it more expensive and cut down usage. All it does is make our industry uncompetitive.

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...... clearly the single most dangerous threat the planet has ever faced.




Quite simply .... No. it is not.


It is neither "clear" nor the "most dangerous".

I seriously question as to whether it is a threat at all.


Far more serious, is our inability to govern ourselves in a manner that allows reality to overcome emotion, hatred and greed.

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Quite simply .... No. it is not.


It is neither "clear" nor the "most dangerous".

I seriously question as to whether it is a threat at all.


Far more serious, is our inability to govern ourselves in a manner that allows reality to overcome emotion, hatred and greed.

Which leads to problems like our affecting on the climate!
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Despite todays Stern report I stick by my opinion that global warming is good for Sheffield, certainly at the moment. I've not read the report yet but there was a mention on the Today programme this morning of a paragragh that said there were some beneficial aspects for temperate zones.

The UK's weather is unusually warm for our lattitude as a result of the Gulf Stream. One of the potential outcomes of moderate climate change is the diversion of the Gulf Stream. If this happens, we will be a lot, lot colder than before.

Alternatively some else may happen and we may be a lot warmer, though that seems less likely.

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