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The Global Warming Megathread

Do you believe human inflicted climate change is real?  

113 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you believe human inflicted climate change is real?

    • Absolutely, unequivocally.
    • Maybe, i need more evidence
    • Not at all, it's all made up!
    • Whats global warming?

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Be serious!!!


Isn't this 'Supergun-City'?


We should be angling for the contract now!!!


We can sort out those bloody baboons later!!! ( using the gun)



( Isn't the 'pc' term Barbary Apes now?)


Ahhh a common misconception, the Barbary Ape is not a Baboon. Anyone who has visited Gibraltar and seen the famous Apes has unwittingly met a Barbary Ape as that is what they are.


However if they had met a Baboon or indeed a troop or congress of Baboons, after having met a Barbary Ape, they would be in no doubt that they are not, in, fact Barbary Apes.


I am not sure of the PC term for a Baboon although the PC term for a Baboons arse is I believe a 'Jade Goody' :D

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Ahhh a common misconception, the Barbary Ape is not a Baboon. Anyone who has visited Gibraltar and seen the famous Apes has unwittingly met a Barbary Ape as that is what they are.


However if they had met a Baboon or indeed a troop or congress of Baboons, after having met a Barbary Ape, they would be in no doubt that they are not, in, fact Barbary Apes.


I am not sure of the PC term for a Baboon although the PC term for a Baboons arse is I believe a 'Jade Goody' :D



We can sort out that problem too!!! :


"Necessary testing etc etc.....most unfortunate series of errors etc etc.......4 ton howitzer shell on BB house most regretable etc etc.....lessons will be learned etc etc...."

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I would have thought that the Arab States might have been investing in it, as the oil may run out soon.



No no no. The place to put them is in space; if you build them in space, you can build them ten thousand miles across with no problems of gravity.

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This is interesting.


In Bristol Alliance against 4x4's decided to take action against people who drive 4x4's, they put fake car parking tickets on their cars.


Now does this group genuinely care about the environment, or is it just another case of the Green Brigade pushing Hard working people around again.


After all, I'm sure if we all drive round in Nissan Micras, global warming would stop overnight.

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Global warming may well be true, and might happen anyway whether we are causing/contributing to it or not. Given that the human species hasn't been around all that long in geological terms, it doesn't make a scrap of difference if we become extinct or not. The earth will continue to evolve.


We tend to think we are the most important things on earth and call ourselves homo sapiens sapiens but we can't even regulate our own sh*t. Until we learn to be humbler and understand how to fit in with the earth's eco-systems we won't begin to see how to resolve this problem. Unfortunately every nation suffers from pride and puts its self-interest before others.


Anyone see the 1950s film The Day the Earth stood Still? It will take something universally catastrophic before the nations begin to cooperate. We can all do our little bit and of course we should, but until we radicalise entire populations and persuade them to put pressure on governments to take the problem seriously, very little will be done.

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Mirrors in the sky?


If the US government wants to do it, it must be a great idea. Just look at some of their other recent ideas, like invading Iraq, and what about the brilliant idea of denying there was any global warming until about a week ago.


These people are really on the ball. We should do whatever they say. If they're suggesting giant mirrors, you can be sure the Bush family have large quantities of shares in a mirror factory somewhere, and whatever profits the Bushes is always for the common good - apparently.


Perhaps you can make mirrors from a by-product of oil?

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If you paint all the buildings in the world white then this will reduce the global temperature by as much as it is predicted to rise in the next 30 years. No need for mirrors, just plenty of paint.

:hihi: nobody noticed this? :suspect:


the same old statistic gets trotted out all the time of how the city is always a couple of degrees hotter of a night than the surrounding countryside of a winter....


of course it is :confused:


it's the same in the summer ;) How do you think storage heaters work?

... the bricks heat up, and store heat, slowly emitting it back out as the temperature drops - buildings and storage heaters are both made with bricks (or a similar material)


Painting buildings white only serves to reflect heat off them, which keeps them cooler, so there is less heat to emit back out during he night


the same calorific value of solar energy has still leaked through to our planet in a day though :P

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:hihi: nobody noticed this? :suspect:


the same old statistic gets trotted out all the time of how the city is always a couple of degrees hotter of a night than the surrounding countryside of a winter....


of course it is :confused:


it's the same in the summer ;) How do you think storage heaters work?

... the bricks heat up, and store heat, slowly emitting it back out as the temperature drops - buildings and storage heaters are both made with bricks (or a similar material)


Painting buildings white only serves to reflect heat off them, which keeps them cooler, so there is less heat to emit back out during he night


the same calorific value of solar energy has still leaked through to our planet in a day though :P


I suppose we'll have to throw them into space once we've painted them....though I'm not sure what with.....perhaps a giant trebuchet?....their inhabitants can pass the time trying to spot the balloons with their faces on as they float about.:)

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I suppose we'll have to throw them into space once we've painted them....though I'm not sure what with.....perhaps a giant trebuchet?....their inhabitants can pass the time trying to spot the balloons with their faces on as they float about.:)


I don't think an old eastern block car is going to have enough oomph to get itself and the accompanying load of buildings into orbit.

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