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The Global Warming Megathread

Do you believe human inflicted climate change is real?  

113 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you believe human inflicted climate change is real?

    • Absolutely, unequivocally.
    • Maybe, i need more evidence
    • Not at all, it's all made up!
    • Whats global warming?

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forgive my ignorance but isn't el nino due to happen again very soon which may have something to do with the erratic weather?


i'm not saying thats the sole cause before people dive on me and beat me with their little facts and links and argumants


El nino only affects the weather afterwards, not before.

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Guest Mod_Man

2000 of the worlds top scientists on the subject agree that man's activities are causing the global climate to change.

So because we have a bit of snow does this mean to you that they are wrong.


Article here

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i do have one question.


are the predictions the worst case scenario?


since theres no way of accurately predicting the global weather patterns all the research really is is guesses of varying degrees of accuracy using the data available, evidence, computer simulations and using what we know of weather patterns before.


actually i have another question. is there any evidence which shows how much of global warming is down to people and how much is due to natural weather patterns?

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Guest Mod_Man
Global warming is the new "buzz" word


we're all guna die, fair enough we might be getting hotter, however is this global warming or a natural cycle. how did we get out of the last ice age? (cavemen weren't driving v8s were they)


but anyway scientist can't agree, but government will tax anyway


Again read this link

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I welcome global warning. Who wouldn't want warmer summers and shorter more mild winters? Sure a few ice caps might melt and several low lying country's might dissappear but it's not like people haven't had ample warning to move. Polar bears will climatise eventually, as will penguins so all in all I say roll on a more tropical planet


what planet are you on?????

dont you want your childrens children to have a decent life .

people like you want re educating.

try watching the the film by al gore

;an inconvenient truth;

it might open your eyes and yiur brain.


Oh get over yourself. If you didn't take what I said as the joke that was intended, you either have no sense of humour or probably hug trees for a living.

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Can anything we do in a nation the size of Britain really effect “Global Warming”, will what we do influence American policy?


Can we say to developing nations like China, you can’t have cars, central heating/air conditioning, fridges or any of the other things we take for granted in Europe?


Are people prepared to get out of their car and walk/ cycle to work or go to the East coast on holiday instead of the Med, I don’t think so, there are plenty of noble words being spoken but it’s a case of NIMBY.

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Guest Mod_Man
Not true. The evidence is overwhelming and the scientific community is overwhelmingly convinced. People pick out one or two nay-sayers but they are a tiny minority.


The government wouldn't bring in green taxes if the majority of people actually chose to conserve energy and took responsibility for their lifestyle choices. But they don't.


Purdyamos I agree with you completely.

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