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The Global Warming Megathread

Do you believe human inflicted climate change is real?  

113 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you believe human inflicted climate change is real?

    • Absolutely, unequivocally.
    • Maybe, i need more evidence
    • Not at all, it's all made up!
    • Whats global warming?

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Actually this is probably caused by the high pressure system currently dominating our weather.


Men of a certain age find that low-pressure systems can help, as the erectile tissue has to work less hard to achieve a similar result.


This is why there is a 'mile high club' - at reduced pressure, everything swells up larger than normal, and for some people, it's the only time something swells up at all.


At high pressure, the opposite effect can be observed. Indeed I think this is what you are experiencing - perhaps a hypobaric chamber might help.


low pressure certainly would explain the notorious fertility of the peoples inhabiting tropical countries. It is a well-attested fact that these lesser breeds without the law spend most of their days in their mud and straw huts engaging in coitus non-interruptus and procreating like, er..(choose your own pc simile). As for your recommendation of a hypobaric chamber to counteract the effects of high pressure, if ever I thought I had need of such a priapic device I would resolutely reject it in favour of the Pfizer solution, i.e. instead I would respond positively to the high pressure of the email salesmen peddling those little blue diamonds.

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How do we know these polar ice caps are not melting because we forgot to replenish the ozone layer 15 years ago by launching those rockets up to the south pole with fresh ozone...or has everyone forgot. It may not be co2 induced global warming that will flood the world, but forgetfulness.

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Global warming rally cut short by cold weather



Posted: 4/15/2007


"More than two dozen demonstrators braved cold, wet weather Saturday in Reno to attend a rally designed to draw attention to global warming.


The event was cut short by heavy rain and sleet, said organizer Lisa Stiller of the Northern Nevada Coalition for Climate Change.


"It's kind of disappointing that the weather kept people away," Stiller said. "But, we still think it (climate change) is something that people should talk about."


The storm prevented the use of solar ovens for a potluck picnic, Stiller said, and caused the planned two-hour dem


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I don't think the weather in Sheffield stands for proof that global warming is a myth, but like someone said above, it's no different from saying that great weather is a direct result of global warming.


Instead of introducing Green Taxes we should all just admit that it's happening and we wont stop it, hard to believe that we cant make capitalist business owners change their ways but thats the unfortunate case.


If Britain were to go carbon neutral today, China's growth in 5 years would have nullified the effects of our changes.

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Well i think we've mucked it either way.


How can we stop something that we don't even understand. With no emperical evidence to point to either conclusion on our responsibility, it's an inevitability that we'll have to deal with.

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It is a load of bunkem, Scientists have to agree with the government or funding for research stops, this was stated on a programme on TV not so long back, by a retired scientist. The governments equation does not include water vapour, which absorbs CO2 in the atmosphere. There is a 50 minute video on my freespace, just click on Global Warming on my sig if you would like to watch it. It adds the information that the government doesn't want you to know about. Global Warming is a phenomenon of nature, and has happened before many times before man inhabited earth. It occurs every 10,000 years or so, and recalling my days at school, I don't remember learning that the last event of global warming was caused by Neanderthal man taking his kids to school in his 4 x 4 dinosaur, or by them taking long haul flights on their Boeing airbus pterodactyls. Watch the video, it is interesting stuff.

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Not all science (not even most science) is funded by the government, so your first point is incorrect.

I'm not sure what 'government equation' you refer to, there is no single equation that has predicted global warming. The warming can be measured directly, there are various hypotheses trying to explain why it's happening.

Water vapour may well absorb CO2, but it's not an endless sink for it. If extra CO2 is placed in the atmosphere then what makes you think that it can be absorbed? Indeed direct measurements of CO2 levels show a massive rise in the last 100 years, no one with a basic grasp on reality would argue this point.


There is no cyclical global warming phenomena, there are cycles, 10k years ago would be the end of the younger dryas, a period of time when temperatures were relatively low. Non of which proves either way whether the atmospheric changes we are making are affecting these natural cycles.

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