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The Global Warming Megathread

Do you believe human inflicted climate change is real?  

113 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you believe human inflicted climate change is real?

    • Absolutely, unequivocally.
    • Maybe, i need more evidence
    • Not at all, it's all made up!
    • Whats global warming?

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That is solely your opinion, why don't you try adding something constructive to discussions instead of nit picking at everybody's posts?


As I have told plekhanov, go click on Global Warming on my sig, you will see all the evidence you want there, and it is entirely up to you whether you accept it or not. It is all part of my opinion which I am entitled to, as you are yours.


I'm sorry, did I make your "FACTS" look silly as they didn't support your argument.

Everything here is someone's opinion, if you don't like mine then feel free to not read my posts.


You have no evidence, what you have is FUD spread by people in the employ of big oil.

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Cheap energy is what makes our economy work, making energy more expensive will put stress on the economy lowering revenues.


Oil prices and the price of petrol/diesel at the pump have been rising steadily over the past ten years. It doesn't seem to have stressed our economy at all and revenues as a fixed proportion of the basic oil price have been rising at the same rate. Car use has also increased significantly over this period, - the general public are prepared to pay whatever it costs, both for personal transport and and for goods in the shops.


And why would they want to implement an unpopular nuclear power generation programme if they didn't genuinely believe in climate change?


The rush to nuclear has more to do with the govt's (probably well founded) fear of being in thrall to Russia for a major slice of our electricity production ability than it has to do with climate change, it's just been more expedient to use the emmission reduction argument to push the nuclear programme.


The measures needed to limit climate change will make improving or even maintaining our standard of living difficult damaging social cohension so that would be a very very bad plan.


I believe the UK is responsible for around 6% of the world's total carbon emmissions. There is little point in the UK making major sacrifices when we know countries like India, China and Russia will not make any at all. The threat to our social cohesion will come from the waves of would be immigrants trying to escape the effects of climate change when their fields turn to deserts and their fertile coastal plains are submerged beneath the sea.


You are looking in entirely the wrong direction for your conspiracy here, there is a conspiracy when it comes to climate change and that conspiracy isn't amongst those concerned about it but the energy companies and their proxies who deny it. And unlike the vague unspecified motives ascribed to those who say climate change is real and caused by humans the deniers motives are all too obvious - money.


I don't see the need for there to be any conspiracy with the energy companies. Oil and gas are a seller's market and will be for decades to come. Emerging economies are on a roll toward technoligical self-sufficiency and won't be dissuaded fom their goal of achieving the standard of living enjoyed by the developed nations. And who are we to say they can't take a bite of the fruit they now hold in their hands ?


Meanwhile our own govt. will continue to use the global warming argument as a manipulative tool.

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New Scientist carry interesting articles on Climate Change from time to time, including the one I've just finished reading.


Might be a new copy on the shelves now...but have a look for it.

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I'm sorry, did I make your "FACTS" look silly as they didn't support your argument.

Everything here is someone's opinion, if you don't like mine then feel free to not read my posts.


You have no evidence, what you have is FUD spread by people in the employ of big oil.



No you didn't make my FACTS look silly at all, you nit picked because I happened to say they could BUY more, instead of TRADE, whatever the difference is, TRADE or BUY, it still costs £££'s.


As for my evidence being FUD spread by people in the employ of big oil companies, please substantiate and provide evidence of this.

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I did say that, because it's a fundamental difference.

The cost doesn't go back to the government and the overall carbon emissions don't alter. Unlike buying (from the government) which would be a completely different proposition, where the carbon emissions would alter and the environmental impact would basically be up for sale.

I'm not going to argue with points you won't even post on SF.

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There are millions of people starving in the world and you want to use good agricultural land to grow crops to power you car ? :(


The Bio Diesel would come from oil that fish and chip shops, takeaways and places like that. So it is been reused for something else not having to use good agricultural land to grow new crops.


The thing is takeaway places waste oil, take a look at these websites:





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Diesel is dirtier than petrol...

And if I have 5 bins, will you mind if I store them on your garden, as I don't have room for them.


With the Diesel to petrol debate there is scientific proof that diesel is cleaner than petrol, for one thing it produces less CO2 gases than a petrol car. Take a look at these websites to find out:








The thing about it is all fuels are getting cleaner so it really matter on how you use your car to which car you buy to be greener. There are always going to be for and against for which is the better fuel. But all in all the thing is, isn't it better to reduce emissions than produce more?


As for bins, well in Rotherham we have two bins, a green one for garden and kitchen waste and a black bin for normal rubbish. We also have a blue box for tins and foil, glass bottles and thing, thin cardboard, and we have a blue bag for paper. I know I said 5 bins, they could be two bins and two boxes and a bag. There are always ways round things.

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Surely they can't waste enough to be a viable alternative to petrol/diesal in this country?


Well that is true they don't waste enough to be a viable alternative to petrol or diesel. But it would be giving life to a product that is not usable anymore, surely that is a good thing?

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