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The Global Warming Megathread

Do you believe human inflicted climate change is real?  

113 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you believe human inflicted climate change is real?

    • Absolutely, unequivocally.
    • Maybe, i need more evidence
    • Not at all, it's all made up!
    • Whats global warming?

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and thatsjust an excuse NOT to modify your behaviour that we all should do anyway.

irrispective of if we cause it or not (none of us will ever know properly) we shouldnt be treating the earth like the abused and discarded whore we all do

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The issue is the planet is getting warmer. As a species that will throw up a lot of problems for us to adapt to and overcome if we're to survive. Wouldn't it be better of science devoted itself to finding ways of overcoming these new problems rather than trying to establish blame?

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there's also a theory that Global Warming isn't actually a result of the world's "Carbon Footprint".


More a result of Solar Radiation bombardment from the sun, as were going through a cycle which we cant actually change.




Climate changes science has long taken the suns influence in to account.


However it turns out that the sun plays less of an influence than thought;


"In terms of the last 30 years I'd have to agree that there's nothing in these records that suggests solar variability could be giving rise to warming global temperatures," said Carl Wunsch, a climate expert at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge, who was not involved in the study.


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The issue is the planet is getting warmer. As a species that will throw up a lot of problems for us to adapt to and overcome if we're to survive. Wouldn't it be better of science devoted itself to finding ways of overcoming these new problems rather than trying to establish blame?

So we should just treat the symptoms whilst ignoring the disease it self? If your friend was an alcoholic & consequently suffered crippling hangovers, malnutrition and so forth would you just keep on giving him aspirin or would you at some point perhaps entertain the idea of trying to help get sober?


How can you seriously suggest we try and solve a problem without finding out what's causing it and if we can stop whatever it is?


Also do bear in mind some of the 'problems' that global warming will 'throw up' involve large portions of inhabited & fertile land, including entire islands being flooded by rising sea levels, how exactly would you suggest the people who live their 'adapt' to that?

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So we should just treat the symptoms whilst ignoring the disease it self?
I never said that
If your friend was an alcoholic & consequently suffered crippling hangovers, malnutrition and so forth would you just keep on giving him aspirin or would you at some point perhaps entertain the idea of trying to help get sober?
I've had a friend who was alcoholic. I tried to help him and did for a while. Then he fell off the wagon and last I heard was homeless and attempting to drink himself to death. This has nothing to do with anything but I felt it worth mentioning.

How can you seriously suggest we try and solve a problem without finding out what's causing it and if we can stop whatever it is?
I never said that. I said that apportioning blame and the current policy of scaremongering and accusing is next to useless. Lets find the problem and fix it. Not find out who's to blame and persecute them.

Also do bear in mind some of the 'problems' that global warming will 'throw up' involve large portions of inhabited & fertile land, including entire islands being flooded by rising sea levels, how exactly would you suggest the people who live their 'adapt' to that?
If you wiped the rabid foam off your face for a second and actually took a second to think about a different point of view other than your own you might have realised that i'm suggesting that science find solutions to the problems that global warming will present rather than spend our time discussing whats going wrong and whos fault it is and why its there fault I think we should find a way to adapt and overcome these problems. You however think differently
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To dismiss the drastic rise in temps since the late 80s is and will prove to be one of the biggest disasters in history.The dramatic change in rainfall all over the world is pretty stark evidence of a major change in the planets weather patterns.It is in deed a fact that we are in a post glacial period but the drastic rise in temps over the last decade are unbelievable really.Given the earths normal cooling and warming trends the current warming is unprecidented on any time scale.Given the the sunspot theory has been blown out of the water then there is only one candidate for the increase in temps,rainfall, and storm intensity.Check out the met office site and net weather and look at the facts.We humans are so arrogant and blind to the fact that we live on the planet, we dont own it.We are so insignificant yet we cause so much damage to the place we should really take care of.Like most things tho with us its all down to money and conveniance.Oh well.:(

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IIf you wiped the rabid foam off your face for a second and actually took a second to think about a different point of view other than your own you might have realised that i'm suggesting that science find solutions to the problems that global warming will present rather than spend our time discussing whats going wrong and whos fault it is and why its there fault I think we should find a way to adapt and overcome these problems. You however think differently


You are waisting your time some people have got blinkers on and they have already been brain washed,



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I never said that

Yes you did, you said that instead of "trying to establish blame" ie. identifying what if any human activities are causing global warming and who's doing them science should devote 'itself to finding ways of overcoming these new problems'. You clearly said that we should treat the sytoms whilst doing nothing to cure the disease.


I never said that. I said that apportioning blame and the current policy of scaremongering and accusing is next to useless. Lets find the problem and fix it. Not find out who's to blame and persecute them.

So how exactly do you 'fix' this particular problem without identifying what or who is causing it?


If you wiped the rabid foam off your face for a second and actually took a second to think about a different point of view other than your own

Which 'rabid foam' is this? My previous post used no intemperate language, unlike yours contained nothing in the way of insults and addressed the content of your last post.


you might have realised that i'm suggesting that science find solutions to the problems that global warming will present rather than spend our time discussing whats going wrong and whos fault it is and why its there fault I think we should find a way to adapt and overcome these problems.

Exactly, you want to treat the symptoms of global warming whilst deliberately doing nothing to find out what's causing it and if we can remove or limit the causes.

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