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Page Hall - Hell hole neighbourhood?

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I live in Page Hall and the area has gone from bad to worse,the antics of these Slovak gypsys if disgusting. I know of an 86 year old lady who has lived in this area all her life, she has got two families living either side of her and they are making her life hell,what with having parties and sex in full view, urinating in joint passage ways, begging, stealing her washing, she cant sell because who would buy, she is afraid to leave the house, my heart bleeds for her. The police do nothing because they dont want a riot.

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well the police caused a proper riot t day i was hit by a copper for trying to cool things down and its on camera to but dont know weather to report it???


I saw a near-riot there a couple of years ago - it was after one of those local festivals, funnily enough!


I wouldn't have gotten involved myself - just leave it to the Police; they're trained for this and they've got the backup if things get out of hand.

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I know of an 86 year old lady who has lived in this area all her life, she has got two families living either side of her and they are making her life hell..


I assume the gypsies are living in rented accomodation owned by absent landlords? How about getting together with a group of like-minded residents and pressuring these landlords to do something about their rowdy tenants?

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well the police caused a proper riot t day i was hit by a copper for trying to cool things down and its on camera to but dont know weather to report it???

The police caused a riot? Well, I'm usually the first to criticise them when it's deserved. But they don't normally go around actually instigating riots off their own bat :suspect:


Personally, were I in charge, I'd send for the fire brigade and employ water cannon, that'd soon cool down the appetite for fighting and causing mayhem. I was once in a situation where water cannon were used and believe me, you don't have any fight left in you after a thorough dowsing!

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I assume the gypsies are living in rented accomodation owned by absent landlords? How about getting together with a group of like-minded residents and pressuring these landlords to do something about their rowdy tenants?


Yes they are in rented accomodation owned by a landlord that obviously is only interested in his rent cheque from DSS,I believe he has been approach by other residents in her street, he says he will speak with them but nothing really changes.

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Yes they are in rented accomodation owned by a landlord that obviously is only interested in his rent cheque from DSS,I believe he has been approach by other residents in her street, he says he will speak with them but nothing really changes.


So at least the landlord now knows that his tenants are causing trouble.


Perhaps you should approach him as a group rather than as individuals, which should pressure him into taking action. Isn't there a residents association for Page Hall / Fir Vale who you could speak to and get onside? I'm sure there are plenty of people who are fed up of them and would like to see some something done.


I don't think it's possible for the landlord to 'speak to' his tenants and expect them to change; they're from a completely alien culture to ours and expecting them to suddenly act civilised and fit in to British Culture is very unlikely.

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lets all say it then shall we ? oh well i'll say it anyway the uk is the dumping ground of the worlds trash, and sheffield is the main attraction - we are a joke and it can't/won't ever be resolved it will only get worse, canada here i come (hopefully)

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lets all say it then shall we ? oh well i'll say it anyway the uk is the dumping ground of the worlds trash, and sheffield is the main attraction - we are a joke and it can't/won't ever be resolved it will only get worse, canada here i come (hopefully)



I dump think the UK is a dumping ground it maybe a soft touch but you have the goverment to thank for that. And Sheffield is a lovely city.

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