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Page Hall - Hell hole neighbourhood?

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I live in Page Hall and the area has gone from bad to worse,the antics of these Slovak gypsys if disgusting. I know of an 86 year old lady who has lived in this area all her life, she has got two families living either side of her and they are making her life hell,what with having parties and sex in full view, urinating in joint passage ways, begging, stealing her washing, she cant sell because who would buy, she is afraid to leave the house, my heart bleeds for her. The police do nothing because they dont want a riot.


I have a friend who lives on Wade St & another who has now moved to the other side of town.


As both of my friends have children under ten years old. One of the children have witnessed a man urinating outside their door step displaying everything (they did live next door to him) & her son was quite traumatised by what he had seen & they decided to sell & move out. Another friend who still lives there says there seems to be a lot of prostitution in the area especially on Wade & Popple St. & has witnessed a girl perfom a sexual act in her alley way. She told them to leave but they carried on, she called the police, the police came, the girl & man left & came back at the wk end. It is not nice to have that on your doorstop.


She says there is a police community officer involved but says the police have their hands tied as a lot of the families that are moving into the area just seem to pass through cause disruption & then leave.

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I have a friend who lives on Wade St & another who has now moved to the other side of town.


As both of my friends have children under ten years old. One of the children have witnessed a man urinating outside their door step displaying everything (they did live next door to him) & her son was quite traumatised by what he had seen & they decided to sell & move out. Another friend who still lives there says there seems to be a lot of prostitution in the area especially on Wade & Popple St. & has witnessed a girl perfom a sexual act in her alley way. She told them to leave but they carried on, she called the police, the police came, the girl & man left & came back at the wk end. It is not nice to have that on your doorstop.


She says there is a police community officer involved but says the police have their hands tied as a lot of the families that are moving into the area just seem to pass through cause disruption & then leave.


oh my

im quite glad i moved out of the area in 92

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so we can blame the jesus army then:o:D




I doubt they'd be welcomed into the Mosques, because I kinda get the impression that the settled Pakistani community don't like the Slovaks much!


Well, apart from the greedy landlords charging them £400+ a month rent :o

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I doubt they'd be welcomed into the Mosques, because I kinda get the impression that the settled Pakistani community don't like the Slovaks much!


Well, apart from the greedy landlords charging them £400+ a month rent :o



If people will pay it, then whats wrong with the landlords looking for the best price?


Nothing wrong with a sweetskank if all parties consent old bean.

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If people will pay it, then whats wrong with the landlords looking for the best price?


Nothing wrong with a sweetskank if all parties consent old bean.


Nowt at all wrong with responsible landlords having responsible tenants... but this clearly isn't happening in Page Hall, is it!

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i live on horninglow rd and had a family of slovakians moved next to me.from day one it was noise til early hours they were going up peoples paths taking anything that was laying about rummaging through peoples bins urinating on their back garden and dumping all their rubbish in a pile at the bottom of their garden which caused a rat problem parking on my drive. after several times of trying to talk to these people i phoned the police and the officers that came out were concerned that these people were moving outside firvale.they thought they had them in a one area that they could keep an eye on them.luckily for me and my neighbours but unlucky for their landlord they did a moonlight flit without paying their rent.i really feel for anyone in firvale putting up with these peoplei only had it for three months.my daughter suffered in school through lack of sleep because of the noise and i suffered with my nerves because of the stress.it took me ages to get used to the peace and quiet.these people according to the police officers that i spoke to are migrant workers and will move about so no it will not stay in one area they maybe moving in next door to you be prepared

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We lived on Horninglow Road about 10 years ago and it was going down hill fast then. So i'm glad we're off there. We live at Lane Top now and this area is on the decline too unfortunately. :(

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I lived on Wade St. aged 0 to 17 - 85 to 2002.


Needless to say it was never a safe area, but as I pass through now the Slovakian gypsies have really brought it down something shocking. They loiter outside the derelict Firth Park Hotel and since they came along, guess what, the windows and exterior have been damaged something shocking. I hate to generalise and I am usually diplomatic in most areas - but these are a filthy, rotten, disgusting group of people who need booting out as soon as possible.


During my time at Wade St. we became friends with many neighbours - two of which houses are lovely people who have now retired and probably not in a position to move house. I just hope and prayer there lives aren't disrupted after reading the star Article.

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