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Page Hall - Hell hole neighbourhood?

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A mate of mine lives in that area and he told me that the rest of the communities - Pakistani, Yemeni, black etc... are all dead against the unruly slovaks. The settled community co-exist but the new arrivals are the cause of the problems as they have a completly different culture.

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well today the police caused a riot when arresting someone. they tried to arrest an asain male and cause he resisted they put the cuffs on and caused his hand to swell and also cut him where the cuffs were appleied the within minutes there was cops all over the street was full and they came and was very over handed. People was pushed and threatened with arrest and only 1 was arrested and there must have been 30 police and a street of very angry people


The police didn't cause a riot. The bloke who resisted arrest instigated it, and then the 20 or 30 or so people who surrounded the 3 officers affecting the arrest, shouting and swearing 'almost' caused a riot.


It was not over-handed - it was a perfectly justified given the number of people who were there and the potential for disprder. It should be deemed a success if only 1 person got arrested. A street full of angry people? Well, you can please some of the people all the time etc etc.....I bet the 'ordinary citizens' of Popple Street were quite happy of the police response and the removal of the youths smoking cannabis in the street.

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Johnny i was there i saw what went on and how it started and who caused it. It started because the lad arrested was chatting to 2 other people all friends and live across from each other and was chatting about the meeting the night b4. The officer came down in his van with the attertude. When the officer (known as mad dog by everyone in pagehall) got out of the van and grabbed him and started pushing the 3 people around ( despite livin on this street out side his own home) things got worse and when the officer with the sun glasses ( mad dog ) put the cuffs on and the pushed the pthers thats when it started and people have it on camera as well. The officer than started with the racial taunts and then called officer needs assistance then thats when the poo hit the fan.


i was there an also have a video via web cam.


i`ve seen the person today who was arrested and his wrists are a right mess swollen bruised. Also local councilor ibra has taken this up with the chief constable.


Yes we want police to help sort this area out but doin what they did was wrong way about it im not blaming anyone there was faults on both sides and yes things got out of hand but the area is getting worse as we know i live in this area and seen it get worse and we do ask for police assistance but in the right way

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Johnny i was there i saw what went on and how it started and who caused it. It started because the lad arrested was chatting to 2 other people all friends and live across from each other and was chatting about the meeting the night b4. The officer came down in his van with the attertude. When the officer (known as mad dog by everyone in pagehall) got out of the van and grabbed him and started pushing the 3 people around ( despite livin on this street out side his own home) things got worse and when the officer with the sun glasses ( mad dog ) put the cuffs on and the pushed the pthers thats when it started and people have it on camera as well. The officer than started with the racial taunts and then called officer needs assistance then thats when the poo hit the fan.


i was there an also have a video via web cam.


i`ve seen the person today who was arrested and his wrists are a right mess swollen bruised. Also local councilor ibra has taken this up with the chief constable.


Yes we want police to help sort this area out but doin what they did was wrong way about it im not blaming anyone there was faults on both sides and yes things got out of hand but the area is getting worse as we know i live in this area and seen it get worse and we do ask for police assistance but in the right way


An 'oppressed' police-hater living in Page Hall. Well I never. Where did the incident happen? Outside Double Diamond? If so I know a few of the lads who hang outside/work in there.

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I was present to the incident decribed as a "riot" by *Jediwarrior* Its clear that you didnt really understand what happened because reading what you have said does not make sense at all. You said the 3 lads were "chatting" Im sorry but since when did smoking drugs get mistaken for chatting??

I am suprised at how you speak about the police officer who is known as mad dog. He is a very decent man who I have a lot of respect for. Him and his friend do a lot for this area and you can come on here calling him racist.

I guess you forgot to mention that the racial taunts were infact coming from the man who was in cuffs not the police officers.

I think you should get your story right, learn how to spell properly and then come on here and post messages.

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i in no way have a problem with the police doing there job when they are doing there job. but when they go arrest people who have not done anything just for standing chatting then it does not help the community who want to support the police cleaning up the area by getting rid of the trouble makers not locals minding there own business. the guy for the record was not smoking dope he was arrested for swearing back at a police officer who swore at him.

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I cant believe that a copper would start making racial taunts in a street full of people. His job would be history before he could finish the sentance, even his colleagues would testify against him.


Was he REALLY making racial comments...?

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