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Page Hall - Hell hole neighbourhood?

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Ok, therefore the man should have been arrested. You come on here claiming that mad dog is a racist and was racially taunting the man who was in cuffs. Ermm excuse me? The man was clearly shouting racial abuse at the police officers who were surrounded by 30 or more people who were trying to intimidate them.

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But its an interesting subject, coppers yelling racist abuse in the street while being surrounded by a gang of people of the same race that theyre abusing...


Members of South Yorkshire police visit this forum Im led to believe, I wonder what theyd say about this.

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therefore the matter need not be discussed any further.

Yeahh you would say that pal because you haven't got anything to say back, because all what you have said so far has been a load of rubbish. I didn't see you putting that earlier on today when you were informing everyone on what you thought happened. Only when someone who has the right information and is challenging you on it, then you shut up don't you.

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You can HALAL PARK at page hall !! ie; double yellow deliveries at any time of the day and the parking wardens will do jack shi% for fear of racial reprisals that would cost the tax payer too much a year to respond to the amount of tawts that double park to have a quick word wid da homies !!! :huh::loopy:

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