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Majorca in September...

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Its awful any time of the year. I went in May which is kind of like September in that its not as busy or hot. There are tacky shops selling crap like novelty condoms and t-shirts that say majorca in neon letters that you wouldnt be seen dead in back home but for some reason you feel fine wearing them there even though they make you look like a prat. Pubs run by ageing orange wrinkly english couples who smoke fags and sell tetley beer that are called something like 'British Bulldog' like its a novetly even though most of the pubs there are english. Cafes that sell greasy english breakfasts for 50euros that are cooked by someone who looks as if they havent washed their hands since the 1st world war. Just save your money and go to bridlington. Its probably nicer.

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sorry i didnt read your post properly youre actually GOING in september. sorry. Im sure youll enjoy it if you like that kind of thing. I hear it has good nightclubs if you like that sort of thing (i was too young when i went to see that side of things)

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I went to Magaluf in October once (about 10 years ago). It wasn't that hot, 20-25C, but I think that is pretty good for the time of year.


Yeah, you ain't gonna find much in the way of culture or wonderful local cuisine (just decide what to have with you chips) but when you're young all you're interested in is birds and booze of which there are plenty.


Admittedly in a resort like this there will be some a-holes throwing-up, fighting and maybe even the occasional slapper giving it up in the street (although I was never lucky enough to find one!). However, the majoirty of people there will simply have a good time without hurting or offending anybody (get ******, try to pull, fail to pull, stagger back to the hotel room, sleep it off, try again).


Not my cuppa tea anymore but live and let live is what I say. Not everyone who goes to these sorts of places is a troublemaker so there's no point in tarring everyone with the same brush. If things are getting out of hand in some resorts then it is for the police and courts there to deal with i.e. crack a few heads and hand out tougher sentences. Umm, perhaps they could do that here as well?!? Police brutality - come back all is forgiven.

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I went to Deia on the west coast of the island in May, it was fantastic! Nothing like the nasty places full of oiks you see on the telly (and where Kittykat went by the sounds of it). The scenary around there is fantastic, there are good restaurants (not really cheap mind, but not a 'full English' in sight), secluded bays with turquoise water (we walked to one bay - took about an hour on foot - which, after we'd scared off the naked German, we had to ourselves - gorgeous) and if you're into celeb spotting then Michael Douglas and his missis have a place down the road. I'm hoping to go back soon!

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