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The Bowery, Devonshire Street, Sheffield..


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Why is it that its always the doormans fault when people cant get in anywhere, Im sure they have to go on what the management say, most of the bars in sheffield have a no trainers etc...policy.


The days of "dressing-up" to go out at the weekend, in a "nice" shirt, "nice" trousers and "nice" formal shoes are long dead and gone, thank god. Anywhere that still has a dress code (unless it's a rubber fetish club) is, IMO, behind the times and doomed to dissapear up it's own pretentious arse.


If people still want to dress-up that's fine, but you can't force people, and there is absolutely no proof that people in nice top-man shirts and trousers are less likey to be gits than those who turn up in a t shirt and jeans,


Granted it's not the doormens fault and I wouldn't blame them if they applied the rules consistently, but as Chri101 said, they don't.

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Went in this weekend it was ok, I'm getting too old for all the bars I think, I like a little space and being able to chat! Prefer old house/ parrot/ dev cat as they are a bit more relaxed.


I like places when they are quiet enough not to be barged into, it seemed to have a lot of the crystal type; young girls in very short outfits! (I'm only jealous:lol: ) it was a good mix and the music was pretty good. No real beer on tap but bottles of pale rider and stuff.

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Much as I love draught red stripe I'm not dressing-up and kissing the arses of bonehead doormen (with the requisit "no trainers", "no t-shirts", "no whatever" reasons for not letting you in) to get to it, I can't be bothered.


For once, I completely agree with nick2. It is utter rubbish that places think they can judge their customers based on what they wear. It's very out-dated - try a night out in the upmarket bars and clubs in London. Reckon you'll ever get refused entry because you're wearing trainers? Not bloody likely.


On principle, I refuse to go anywhere in Sheffield which has a dress-code. This place will be avoided by me.

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Especially funny when one of the owners is quoted as saying "Everyone's welcome here. We don't want to be one of these places that doesn't let people in because they have a Henri Lloyd shirt on. We want people to come in and enjoy it."

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On principle, I refuse to go anywhere in Sheffield which has a dress-code. This place will be avoided by me.


I did not think it had a dress code; I'm sure the blokes I was with were wearing trainers and most had just t-shirts on under thier coats, though I may be wrong. The door staff were very polite and dressed smart, that actually stuck in my memory for some reason :lol:

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I did not think it had a dress code; I'm sure the blokes I was with were wearing trainers and most had just t-shirts on under thier coats, though I may be wrong. The door staff were very polite and dressed smart, that actually stuck in my memory for some reason :lol:


Especially funny when one of the owners is quoted as saying "Everyone's welcome here. We don't want to be one of these places that doesn't let people in because they have a Henri Lloyd shirt on. We want people to come in and enjoy it."


So the people that are moaning couldnt get in for another reason, and are using the t'shirt + trainers as an excuse.:rolleyes:

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So the people that are moaning couldnt get in for another reason, and are using the t'shirt + trainers as an excuse.:rolleyes:


By George I think she's got it... (You may be a he... hehe)

Anyone been in the clothes shop above it yet? The jackets are real nice...

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So the people that are moaning couldnt get in for another reason, and are using the t'shirt + trainers as an excuse.:rolleyes:



I haven't been turned away, I've never tried to get in., it sounds far too hip for plain old me.

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