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Is it just me that doesn't have the slightest interest in the Olympics?

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The amount of jobs that must have been created for this. Where will all these people go when it is over? Whild the jobless rise by a few thousand people? How much is the fairy torch costing to set-up and then oversee? Thousands of people running 300 metrers each, supported by seventy Met Police on shifts to make sure nothing goes wrong. Then there's the reserve flame being bussed around in case the living flame goes out again. I just find the whole thing ridiculous. Remind me how much the opening ceremony is going to cost.

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The amount of jobs that must have been created for this. Where will all these people go when it is over? Whild the jobless rise by a few thousand people? How much is the fairy torch costing to set-up and then oversee? Thousands of people running 300 metrers each, supported by seventy Met Police on shifts to make sure nothing goes wrong. Then there's the reserve flame being bussed around in case the living flame goes out again. I just find the whole thing ridiculous. Remind me how much the opening ceremony is going to cost.



Many many millions I believe.



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What annoys me is the gutless way all celebrities via TV channels enthuse about it. Not a word of criticism and we are patronised by having some stupid torch and a living flame [ yes fairies do exist ] carried by the people.


Like the people of Devon of whom Will. I. Am turns up amongst as a torch carrier. They treat us as if we are stupid and will accept this insulting drivel.


No one dare to criticise it in the media as they won't be doing the money earning rounds spouting about it. The tickets are an absolute farce and if you believe it really is apply anonomously via the interent and join the queue of hopefuls then ..... it's back to fairies again.


The event will be condemned as the total waste of money that it is but only when afterwards when everyone suddenly jumps band wagon and has a go in the chorus hall of boos.


Speak out now and the highly paid seat on the sofa goes to some one else. But enthuse simperingly and you delievr what is required: enthusiasm.


It's all complete bollux.


Show me any impact here.




And yet in the London, the centre of the universe where everything else happens except unemployment, you can rent your shed for 500 quid a night.


The legacy will be a crippling debt and bugger all else.


We're in the worst world recession ever and are wasting billions on this dross. Give it to Azerbijarn and let an honest mafia run it.


And don't get me going on those stupid cows .... Loose Women; mega rich bitches earning a few grand each episode for talking crap and telling us how expensive first class flights are getting.


Reality? I wonder how stupid women must be listening to that rubbish and not blocking the phone lines in outrage. You tell me a young mother up the manor struggling to feed and cloathe her two kids on either a minimum wage or benefits copes with some mid forties tart with a £300 hair do, £700 hand bag, £5,000 of botox alone in her face and tits straight from New York pushing the virtues of Luis Verton over Dolce and Gabbana.


Jeremy Beadle for god's sake wouldn't even let his kids watch TV such was the dross he protected them from and yet he served up the crap.


Clear the bleeding attic as I need money to have the loungs papered! £3,000 worth of wall paper! What planet are these people from?


Locate elsewhere: Judy and Johnny are looking to move to Wales. they have a £1.3m budget. Who can stomache that crap?


And they all sit there and tell us how it is. You can be bloody enthusiastic when you're earning £1500 a day for talking about what you had for dinner, what your next TV show is going to be or your latest book, ghost written of course.


Bloody Titchmarsh, basically a soft lad who'd run from a fight, does anything for the money, and once he knew a bit about gardening and as much as my mate Norman; down the allotment for 40 years and no sniff of Tv. Not a lovey is Norman.


I hate it with a vengeance.


Tarbuck. Grafted, some talented, right place at right time and bloody lucky. Yet his daughter wouldn't get light years near the inside of a radio station let alone gobbing it on TV if it weren't for dad.


McCartney, oh, I think I'll be an international clothes designer. Yet right. Johnny Ball - Zoe Ball. The lsit is endless and the gutless BBC has nepotism stuck so far up its arse its heads gone pointed.


All luvvies. All simpering, say nothing gutless no-neck ****es.


The Olympics is boring until some events have finals. All events are not worth air time. the expense is obscene ....... but then so is a £300 hair do.


And this is a democracy. ha bloody ha.


As good as it gets then.


Roll on death.[/QUOTE]





MMMmmm, the only bit I disagree with is the last line.



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I think it would be far more interesting if they combined the events.


For example...


Swim for 100 meters, clamber out onto track, run for another 100 with vaulting pole in hand, pass the pole to a team mate like a batton, run another 100 (with hurdles), pole vault at the end of the track, but instead of landing on a crash mat land in another pool, swim for 100 meters, grab a javelin upon exiting the pool and throw to the left before running 50 meters and finishing it all off with a triple jump into the sand pit.


Brilliant viewing.

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Bit like the Jubilee, we are in middle of recession but hey lets squander millions on stupid celebrations when businesses are going to wall and hospitals desperately need funds - we sure are the tops at prioritising:hihi::hihi:


As the Romans said when fooling the people - 'Give them bread and circuses'.

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