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Is it just me that doesn't have the slightest interest in the Olympics?

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I think you'd better re-read the article and highlight where it says "most of them went to asylum seekers rather than local people"

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Er, that's nowhere to be found in the entire article.

Promises of a 'skills legacy' from the London Olympics were in doubt today as it emerged that 20,000 migrant workers had registered for jobs in the main 2012 borough in the past year.


The surge in new National Insurance numbers in Newham has prompted concerns over pledges to provide thousands of skilled construction jobs to the local community.


About 2,700 workers are on the Olympics site, rising to 9,000 by 2010. Estimates of the number of migrant workers there - mostly from Poland and Baltic states within the European Union - range from 10 to 70 per cent.

The London Olympic site


Up to 2,700 workers are currently at the Olympic site in London, with the number expected to rise by 2010


According to the Olympic Delivery Authority's last month employment figures for the Olympic Park, 58 per cent of the 2,700 workforce were resident in London and 24 per cent from the East End. However, the figures do not indicate the worker's nationality - or how long they have lived in Britain.


Labour MP Frank Field, who published the National Insurance figures, said: 'It is totally lawful but British taxpayers and lottery players are paying for jobs for foreign workers and it is not what we signed up for."'


The ODA has promised a skills legacy for east London and is in the forefront of the Government's agenda under which Gordon Brown promised 'British jobs for British workers'.


The ODA has a plant training school at the Olympic Park and says one in 10 of its workforce was previously unemployed. But the ODA is also under pressure to balance its books after losing £500million in private sector investment in a year with the credit crunch and, according to unions, has targeted savings on labour costs.


Construction workers' union Ucatt is increasing pressure on the ODA to continue to honour agreed minimum site rates. It is thought that migrant workers hired through agencies are typically paid up to £2 less per hour than their British counterparts.


A spokesman said: 'We are disappointed that more local people are not trained on the site in traditional construction apprenticeships to create a real skills legacy.'


Hackney MP Diane Abbott told a Commons debate on the Olympic legacy: 'One way in which the big contractors are getting round and massaging the figures for local labour is by bringing labourers from all over Europe into the Olympic boroughs and putting them in hostels.


'Those labourers are then counted as local people but in fact they have been shipped in from all parts of Europe.'


However the ODA said its site enrolment form distinguishes between permanent addresses and temporary ones.


A spokesman said: 'We are trying to ensure that where possible the Olympic Park workforce reflects the diversity of the local area and offers opportunities to help unemployed people back into work.


'We take care with the figures that we publish and ask every worker on the site for both their current address and their permanent UK address and we only report our figures based on the permanent address.'


The big rise in NI numbers issued in Newham has also been driven by the East London line project and the Stratford City retail complex, bringing the total number of construction workers in Stratford to more than 5,000.


Work was starting today to pull down the first of 52 pylons at the Olympic Park. Two tunnels will carry power lines underground for the Games.

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I think you'd better re-read the article and highlight where it says "most of them went to asylum seekers rather than local people"


It's in the first line!


"Promises of a 'skills legacy' from the London Olympics were in doubt today as it emerged that 20,000 migrant workers had registered for jobs in the main 2012 borough in the past year."


In case I have to spell it out for you "migrant workers" is the PC term for asylum seekers!

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It's in the first line!


"Promises of a 'skills legacy' from the London Olympics were in doubt today as it emerged that 20,000 migrant workers had registered for jobs in the main 2012 borough in the past year."


In case I have to spell it out for you "migrant workers" is the PC term for asylum seekers!


No, it's not. It means something completely different.


I think you'd better re-read the article and highlight where it says "most of them went to asylum seekers rather than local people"


And when you use quotation marks like this, it is customary to actually use a quote from the cited source, rather than putting your own, made-up, words in.

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No, it's not. It means something completely different.


Really? What's the difference then?




QUOTE=Phanerothyme;8515662]And when you use quotation marks like this, it is customary to actually use a quote from the cited source, rather than putting your own, made-up, words in.


I never said the phrase "most of them went to asylum seekers rather than local people" was in the article. Mumkin took the phrase from my post and put it into quotation marks.

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QUOTE=Phanerothyme;8515662]And when you use quotation marks like this, it is customary to actually use a quote from the cited source, rather than putting your own, made-up, words in.


I never said the phrase "most of them went to asylum seekers rather than local people" was in the article. Mumkin took the phrase from my post and put it into quotation marks.


I certainly did:hihi:

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It's in the first line!


"Promises of a 'skills legacy' from the London Olympics were in doubt today as it emerged that 20,000 migrant workers had registered for jobs in the main 2012 borough in the past year."


In case I have to spell it out for you "migrant workers" is the PC term for asylum seekers!


Apart from it isn't.

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Let's not get sidetracked by the terms we use. Whatever you want to call them, the fact is that most of the jobs created by the olympics have gone to foreigners rather than british workers, so in reality there's been no significant economic benefit to the UK at all.

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Let's not get sidetracked by the terms we use. Whatever you want to call them, the fact is that most of the jobs created by the olympics have gone to foreigners rather than british workers, so in reality there's been no significant economic benefit to the UK at all.


You do know the foreigners earning money in the UK pay tax at the same rate as everyone else?


And for that matter, you are aware that British workers had the same right to apply for all these jobs? You make it sound as if they were reserved for foreigners, which is palpably silly.

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