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Is it just me that doesn't have the slightest interest in the Olympics?

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Oh well, because all the tacky toys and crappy souvenirs are made in China I expect they'll be really cheap to buy............why else would they have them made abroad, not to maximise profits surely?


I don't think there's any need to approach China and say 'here, make us some tacky crap for the Olympics' China is the tacky crap capital of the world.

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Failure will be hard to live down and the thought of spending X amount of billions on a flop aint worth considering.
Heineken doesn't do £billions-flops. But if it did...


...they still wouldn't be a patch on those made in GB:


The £0.8bn Millenium Dome?

The RN's £5bn aircraft carriers?

The NHS £20bn IT programme?

etc, etc.



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So all of the spiel about it is good for the economy is not turning out to be a load of (all blue Union flagged) 'pants'.


WOW how dumb are we, the British electorate that thought this crack pot idea was going to be beneficial to the country ?




Remember "British jobs for British workers"? I did some work on the Olympics site and that was simply not true. The project management company was Americen. Senior engineers were predominantly French and German and the labourers were all manner of east europeans.


I think it's laughable that the Labour supporters don't want Blair's Sports Day now they are out of power but lapped it up at the time.


Personally, I'll be on holiday for the whole thing. I'm already bored with every reference to the Olympics. As far as I'm concerned tax payers have been fleeced so that a bunch of games players can pursue their own personal glory and self-aggrandisement.

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I'm fed up already of this Olympics, seeing all the money squandered on it, the disruption to peoples every day lives as well as their homes and communities.


I'm fed up of all of the spiralling costs, the fact that its signifying the North South divide further when it comes to investment, but now I have another bee in my bonnet about it.




So all of the spiel about it is good for the economy is not turning out to be a load of (all blue Union flagged) 'pants'.

The idea the infrastructure said to be brought into community use is in shambles and now the industry that was said to gain from the event is now being side tracked for profit.


WOW how dumb are we, the British electorate that thought this crack pot idea was going to be beneficial to the country ?



I say we all sit it out, tune into the discovery channel, don't buy tickets (if you could have...) and don't buy sod all of the merchandise or volunteer to steward the event.


Its turned into a joke for us, we just fell for all the hype as usual in this country. There was no way we could ever live up to the China games, but as ever we try to portray ourselves above our station.


just had a delivery of flags from china....well made....and will do a bundle down in london....queens celebration and the olympics...they will be flying out...

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Heineken doesn't do £billions-flops. But if it did...


...they still wouldn't be a patch on those made in GB:


The £0.8bn Millenium Dome?

The RN's £5bn aircraft carriers?

The NHS £20bn IT programme?

etc, etc.






So that's £25bn of Labour flops and £0.8bn of Tory flops. Sounds about right.

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I have no interest in the Olympics whatsoever and never have had. I have no interest in Sport so have no intention of watching any of it. I can't see the games benefitting me at all. As for BUYING anything to do with the games well that's just laughable. I have better things to spend my money on. All I can be sure of is that during the games WE will be having to pay a lot more for everything!


Same here :roll:

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I have never been a fan of the olympics. It seems the athletes have no backbone when it comes to moral fibre. They are all there bragging off about the gold medals they won in China which they should have boycotted.


I remember us going to the Berlin olympics when the Nazis were in charge.


Its a waste of money and I'm just bored of it.

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