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Family doctors of years gone by

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In the late 60's our doc was called Gillott & was on City Road just up from the Travellers pub .... not the best of docs, said I had pulled muscle in by hip when I was 5 & if it wasnt for my mum taking me to hospital I would have lost my leg ...... stupid old quack( as some ppl called him)

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Does anybody remember Dr Excell for the Carterknowle Surgery?? He was quite severe looking, but you either liked him or yoiu didn't!! Then came Dr Collins, he delivered my dauhgter 40 years ago1 he has been retired for years, but I saw him laast year, and he hasn't really altered that much! We then have had Dr's, Tilsley, Shawcross, Beardmore ( a lovely man!) Ruck, Charles, Green, King etc. I am 63 and have never had any other Dr's.! This practice has served four generations of my family!!! How many can say that In the city I wonder....unless you know any different.

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I remember Dr Bradbury on Clark St,in the early 40's when August Bank Holiday was the first monday in the month,on the sunday I developed a very painful sore throat,so on the monday morning my dad cancelled out day out with friends and went to see if Dr Bradbury would see me,he lived on the premises,and he did some tests sent them for analysis,and on the Tuesday I was in Lodge Moor hospital with Diptheria, a killer in those days, so I always reckon between them my Dad and Dr Bradbury probable saved my life.

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I can remember Gethin visiting my father,in our front room,cigarette in his mouth under his stained moustache saying "you'll have to give up the fags Walter" dad replied "I'll give up when you do" and they both laughed.

My parents thought the world of him. That must have been the late fifties.

I also remember the surgery on Attercliffe Common just round the corner from Coleride Road,so depressing (as was everything just after the war)

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When i was little im only in my 20's now, my doctor who i didnt like at all, still a very good doctor was willing to come see me when i was too poorly to get to the doctors.


We could ring up in the morning and get an appointment THAT day!


Now i have to ring up, be put on nurses telephone list, wait about 2 hours or even more! for a call back to tell them whats wrong with me for them to decide if i should see the doctor or not!!! for them to book it me days later! can only have that day if its an emergency!


What a waste of time it is now, i just give up with the doctors why cant we ring up get an appointment that day without being asked every question under the sun!

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Our family doctor was Dr. Leddy on Burngreave Road opposite the Vestry Hall but for some reason my dad went to Dr. Weir on the othe side of Burngreave Road.


i remember Dr Leddy, irish i believe, i was 21 and i went to see Dr Leddy, as i was passing a little blood in my urine,went in, there he was feet up on the desk,i tells him my problem, and he takes a sample of my urine, test,s it,(my mind is raceing,what,s up with me etc) finally he says,"have you been with a prostitute" NO i reply "have you got a girlfriend" he says (getting really worried now, so i think better tell him the truth) i.ve got two i reply, he looks at me really seriousely, then smileing says "you better give them a rest for awhile, your knackerd! what a doc:hihi::hihi:

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i remember Dr Leddy, irish i believe, i was 21 and i went to see Dr Leddy, as i was passing a little blood in my urine,went in, there he was feet up on the desk,i tells him my problem, and he takes a sample of my urine, test,s it,(my mind is raceing,what,s up with me etc) finally he says,"have you been with a prostitute" NO i reply "have you got a girlfriend" he says (getting really worried now, so i think better tell him the truth) i.ve got two i reply, he looks at me really seriousely, then smileing says "you better give them a rest for awhile, your knackerd! what a doc:hihi::hihi:


My Dr was Dr Leddy. On Upwell Street though. I believe they were brothers. Mrs Leddy was also a Dr. Their eldest daughter became a Dr too. They had a lot of children. I remember going into Dr Leddy's surgery and the way he looked over the top of his glasses to look at you. Scared me to death as a child. I also remember hiding under the dining table out of the way if he made a home visit. My mam used to clean for him many years ago.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Does anyone remember Dr Wells and Dr O connel who used to be in the tiny little surgery on the manor top at the side of the library ,it had little wooden benches and a tiny little window at the entrance very often you had to wait outside because you could not get in if it were full:hihi:


Just found this thread. Yes, I remember Dr O Connell and that dreaded waiting room. We used to live at Stradbroke and had to walk all the way to Manor Top to the doctors (had to be fit, just to go there) If we were really poorly mum would take us on the bus, but that was only if we were on our knees!

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Dr Lees. Chippingham St? Attercliffe. 1950's earliest memories. Rearranging the bentwood chairs in the waiting room. Bus,train,car,or plane,anything possible. Very nice line in cough mixture. Chips across the road at Ainley's.

another time, another world.

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