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Family doctors of years gone by

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When I lived in Crosspool, Dr Rushbrooke was our doctor - her practice was on Manchester Rd., at the bottom of Stephen Hill Rd. Then, in Fulwood we had Dr Adam who had a practice somewhere near the top of Crimicar Lane I think.

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My mum talks fondly of Dr Rushbrook who was the family GP from her childhood. Apparently Dr Rushbrook used to charge into the waiting room and open all the windows, saying that the cold fresh air would do everyone good. My mum also remembers Dr R trumping loudly during an examination, and not being remotely embarrassed... very amusing to a small child!

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My mum talks fondly of Dr Rushbrook who was the family GP from her childhood. Apparently Dr Rushbrook used to charge into the waiting room and open all the windows, saying that the cold fresh air would do everyone good. My mum also remembers Dr R trumping loudly during an examination, and not being remotely embarrassed... very amusing to a small child!


Trumping ,Haven't heard that for a long time

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Dr Dowson was the other doctor in Crosspool. Eight seats in his waiting room and if you couldn't get one there was a rush on. Smoked like a chimney - Senior Service if I remember correctly. One man band with morning and evening surgeries Monday to Friday and morning surgery Saturday and on call 24/7. As you left his surgery you were instructed to send the next patient in. His prescriptions were calligraphic masterpieces. When you took them to Prestons Chemists in Crosspool the pharmacist would disappear round the back and you'd hear the number being dialled. "Dr Dowson, could you just confirm what you've prescribed for Mr XXXX? Ah, thought so, but I just wanted to be sure." He didn't suffer malingerers, but if you were really ill then he was a top man.

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In the '40s, our family doctor lived in a sort of mansion up Taptonville Road. I think Dr Rouse came from Edinburgh. I still have my ancient Medical Card.


I still have my medical card dated July 15 1948.I think that was when the N.H.S. started.

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